Notice of weekly offline maintenance periods - every Wednesday from 12:00 noon to 5:00 PM MST (PDF)
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- 48-hour disclosure of direct ballot issue or ballot question expenditure of one thousand dollars or more
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Help & resources
- Campaign and political finance manual (PDF)
- Deepfake guidance HB 24-1147 (DOCX)
- Filing calendars
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- Guidance on disclaimer statements (PDF)
- Guidance on disclaimer statements after No on EE for issue committees (PDF)
- Guidance on reporting gifts and honoraria (PDF)
- Special district candidates & candidate committees (PDF)
- 24 hour major contributor reporting instructions (PDF)
- 48 hour independent expenditure reporting instructions (PDF)
Campaign finance complaints
State, county, & special district elections
Municipal elections
- Municipal campaign finance complaint referral form - for municipalities only (PDF)
- Guidance - Municipal campaign finance complaints (PDF)
Other complaint related documents and information