Campaign Finance Training Classes and Online Courses

Campaign Finance 101

To take this free online course, you must register an account with the Secretary of State’s Learner Community website and select the Campaign Finance 101 class from the course catalog. This course provides a basic overview of campaign finance laws and rules governing the political activity of candidates and committees in Colorado. This course introduces you to the basic types of committees one can register in Colorado, how candidates and committees report contribution and expenditure information, where to file campaign finance reports, and an overview of the penalty and the complaint process in Colorado. We hope this course provides a solid foundation for those interested in learning more about campaign finance disclosure in Colorado.

Campaign and Political Finance training 

The Secretary of State’s Office offers periodic in-person classes conducted by the Campaign Finance Trainer. These classes are offered at the Secretary of State’s Office in downtown Denver and at locations across Colorado and the Front Range and cover a wide range of topics. Some classes provide information relevant to all types of committees while others target specific types of filers such as candidates. The list of training classes is updated periodically as new classes are created so keep checking back for a date and location that works best for you.

Campaign Finance 101