
What type of committee do you need to register?

Choose a committee:

527 Political Organizations
Federal organizations created to influence or attempt to influence the selection, nomination, election or appointment of candidates.

Candidate Committee
Committees that accept contributions and make expenditures under a candidate's authority to further a bid for election.

Independent Expenditure Committees
Committee that raises and spends money on campaigns and is not controlled or coordinated by a candidate.

Issue Committees
A committee that raises and spends money to support or oppose ballot measures.  If supporting or opposing only municipal issues, file with municipal clerk.

Political Committees
A committees that supports or opposes the nomination or election of one or more candidates as its major purpose.  If supporting or opposing only municipal candidates, file with municipal clerk.

Political Parties
A group of registered electors that nominates candidates for the general election ballot.

Recall Committees
A committee formed to support or oppose the recall of a public officer.

Small Donor Committees
A political committee that accepts only small amounts of money from natural persons.

Small-Scale Issue Committees
A committee that raises or spends money between $200 and $5,000 to support or oppose ballot measures.  If supporting or opposing only municipal issues, file with municipal clerk.