These webinars will help you to navigate and work within TRACER. They are short prerecorded PowerPoint presentations or videos with verbal instructions, showing the various features and functions of the TRACER system.
Many of the features and functions in TRACER are common to all committee types, and the majority of the webinars are not committee-specific.
TRACER webinar trainings - For the public:
- TRACER home page tour training (WMV) | (MP4)
- Submitting a candidate affidavit (WMV) | (MP4)
- Registering a committee (WMV) | (MP4)
- Registering a small scale or issue committee (WMV) | (MP4)
- Filing quick stats - Financial data summary (WMV) | (MP4)
- Filing public reports (WMV) | (MP4)
- Filing a search complaint (WMV) | (MP4)
- Filing search contributions (WMV) | (MP4)
- Filing a search expenditure (WMV) | (MP4)
- Watch the TRACER training for searching document images (WMV) | (MP4)
- Searching supplemental reports (WMV) | (MP4)
- Searching penalties (WMV) | (MP4)
- Searching political race history (WMV) | (MP4)
- Filing a gift and honoraria report (WMV) | (MP4)
TRACER webinar trainings - For Registered Users:
- Accessing your workspace for the first time (WMV) | (MP4)
- Accessing your workspace if you are locked out (WMV) | (MP4)
- Workspace tour (WMV) | (MP4)
- Updating a candidate affidavit (WMV) | (MP4)
- Update committee registration and agents (WMV) | (MP4)
- Contributions - Adding (WMV) | (MP4)
- Contributions - Adding - 24 hour major contributions (WMV) | (MP4)
- Contributions - Adding LLC contributions (WMV) | (MP4)
- Contributions - Updating (WMV) | (MP4)
- Contributions - Deleting (WMV) | (MP4)
- Contributions - Returning & non-sufficient funds (WMV) | (MP4)
- Contributions - Contributor maintenance (WMV) | (MP4)
- Donations - Adding (Independent Expenditure Committees) (WMV) | (MP4)
- Expenditures - Adding (WMV) | (MP4)
- Expenditures - Updating (WMV) | (MP4)
- Expenditures - Deleting (WMV) | (MP4)
- Expenditures - Returning (WMV) | (MP4)
- Expenditures - Payee maintenance (WMV) | (MP4)
- Expenditures - Adding (Independent Expenditure Committees) (WMV) | (MP4)
- Expenditures - Adding - 48 hour independent expenditures (WMV) | (MP4)
- Loans - Adding (WMV) | (MP4)
- Loans - Updating and deleting (WMV) | (MP4)
- Loans - Payments (WMV) | (MP4)
- Loans - Forgiving a candidate loan (WMV) | (MP4)
- File reports tab - File report with activity; File a termination report (WMV) | (MP4)
- File reports tab - File report with no activity (WMV) | (MP4)
- File reports tab - History (WMV) | (MP4)
- File reports tab - Gift and honoraria report (WMV) | (MP4)
- EDI - Uploading entries (WMV) | (MP4)
- EDI - Reversing Uploaded Entries (WMV) | (MP4)
- EDI - Error hunting tool (HTML)
- Waiver requests (WMV) | (MP4)