Contribution and Spending Limits

Candidate contribution limits 
Committee contribution limits
Election cycle contribution limits
Voluntary spending limits

State Voluntary Spending Limits

This chart reflects the voluntary spending limits as adjusted by CPF Rule 10.17 as required by Article XXVIII, Section 4(7) of the Colorado Constitution effective February 15, 2023, and remain current until the next adjustment in 2027.

Office Limit
Attorney General $789,025
CU Regent $102,500
District Attorney $102,500
Governor & Governor/Lt Governor
as joint candidates
Secretary of State $789,025
State Board of Education $102,500
State House of Representatives $102,500
State Treasurer $789,025
State Senate $141,975

Please note that Article XXVIII of the Colorado Constitution and Title 1, Article 45 of the Colorado Revised Statutes do not address voluntary spending limits for county or municipal candidates. If running for office in a home rule county or municipality, please contact your county clerk and recorder or municipal clerk to see if your county or municipality has its own spending limit guidelines or restrictions.