Petition Circulation Reference Manual

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III. Completing the circulator affidavit before a notary public

C.R.S. Title 1 Elections (PDF)

1. Affirmation and notarization requirements

After a petition section has been circulated and the circulator is finished gathering signatures, he or she will need to complete and sign the circulator affidavit of the petition in the presence of a notary public.

To complete the affidavit, the circulator must provide their printed name and their permanent residence address.

[1-4-905(2)(a), C.R.S.]

[1-40-111(2)(a), C.R.S.]

2. Correcting mistakes to the circulator affidavit and notary jurat

If a small correction is made to the circulator affidavit, the circulator should cross out the error and initial the change. The notary may not correct any information filled out by the circulator in the circulator affidavit. The same principle applies if a small correction is made to the notary jurat, except the notary should cross out the error and initial the change. The circulator may not correct any information filled out by the notary in the notary section of the circulator affidavit.

If a larger correction is required for either the circulator affidavit or notary jurat, then the information should be completely crossed out by the circulator (for affidavit corrections) and notary (for notary corrections) and a new circulator affidavit and notary jurat should be completed. The new affidavit and jurat page should be attached to the petition section, behind the petition backing at the very end.

3. Sample circulator affidavit (initiative petition)

Image of affidavit
Text version of the affidavit