Petition Circulation Reference Manual

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II. Gathering signatures

C.R.S. Title 1 Elections (PDF)

1. Signatures must be collected in the circulator's presence

Colorado law requires that signatures must be affixed in the circulator’s presence. This means that the circulator of that petition section must personally witness each signature collected on that petition section. It is not sufficient that you are merely present in the same room or vicinity or that another circulator is present observing signature collection. This also means there may only be one circulator per petition section.

[1-4-905(2)(a), C.R.S.]

[1-12-108(6)(e)(V), C.R.S.]

[1-40-111(2)(a), C.R.S.]

2. Eligibility to sign a petition

Only registered electors who would be eligible to vote on the proposed measure, the recall question, or for the candidate, may sign the petition. A circulator must not attempt to obtain the signature of any person that, to the best of his/her knowledge, is not a registered elector at the time of signing.

[1-4-904(1), C.R.S.]

[1-12-108(5)(a), C.R.S.]

[1-40-111(1), C.R.S.]

3. Instructions for petition signers

a. Petition signer dos and don'ts


  • Read the warning that appears at the top of each page of the petition.
  • Print clearly in black or blue ink.
  • Complete all portions of the signature line with the required information.
  • Use the residence address where you are registered to vote.


  • Sign for another person.
  • Sign the same petition more than once.
  • Use ditto marks to provide information on a signature line.
  • Provide a post office box for your residence address (initiative petitions only).

b. Sample signature line

A signature line consists of two lines, both of which must be fully completed. For example:

     Image of a signature line showing fields for first, middle initial, last, and signature on the first line, and residence address, city/town, county, and date on the second line.

c. Correcting mistakes

If a small correction is made, the signer should cross out the error and initial the change.  For example:

     Image showing address with apartment #123 crossed out, #132 written in to correct it, and the initials EE added to the change.

If a larger correction is required, the signer should completely cross out the incorrect information and proceed to use the next blank signature line.  For example:

     Image showing signature, residence address, and county crossed out and new information entered on the line below.

d. Withdrawal of signature

A registered elector who signs an initiative or referendum petition may withdraw his/her signature from a petition by filing a written request for such withdrawal with the Secretary of State at any time on or before the day that the petition is filed with the Secretary of State.

A registered elector who signs a recall petition may withdraw his/her signature from a petition by filing a written request for such withdrawal with the designated election official.

A signer may not withdraw their signature from a candidate petition.

[1-12-108(9)(d), C.R.S.]

[1-40-109(3), C.R.S.]

4. Assisting disabled or illiterate electors

If a registered elector is physically disabled or illiterate and wishes to sign the petition, the elector may do so by signing his or her name or making his or her mark in the signature area. Any person, except the circulator, may assist the elector in completing the remaining required information. The person providing assistance must sign his or her name, provide their address, and must clearly state that such assistance was given to the disabled or illiterate elector, either in the same signature line (as illustrated below) or in the blank signature line below (using arrows or some type of indicator that the person assisted with the signature line above).

[1-4-904(3)(4), C.R.S.]

[1-12-108(5)(d), C.R.S.]

[1-40-111(1), C.R.S.]

 Image showing an X marked as a signature, with the signer's name written in by the person assisting next to the signature mark, and the name of the person assisting written in the printed name field next to the elector's name (example: assisted by John Doe)