Fellowship Program

What is the Fellowship Program?

The Fellowship Program provides current and recently graduated college students with unique learning opportunities in a dynamic and forward-thinking environment. These Fellowships provide students with the chance to apply their educational knowledge to real-world experiences while working at the Colorado Department of State.

What does the program offer me?

The Fellowship Program provides:

  • Work experience that allows students to test their knowledge, skills and abilities by applying what they learn in the classroom in a professional setting.
  • Unique opportunities to work closely with public sector leaders who will provide mentoring and valuable feedback.
  • Hands-on, professional experience with the goal of making a difference in providing services to the public.
  • A challenging and rewarding work environment.

Can I have a flexible schedule?

We offer flexible hours to accommodate your needs.

What opportunities are available?

We have opportunities in the following areas:

How do I apply?

Complete the application (PDF) and email it along with your resume, a cover letter telling us why you would be a good candidate for the Fellowship Program, and a copy of your transcripts (official or unofficial) to: administration@coloradosos.gov.

Application materials can also be faxed to the attention of Cheryl Hodges at 303-869-4860.

Questions about the program can be directed to Cheryl Hodges at cheryl.hodges@coloradosos.gov or 303-860-6940.

Can a fellowship really benefit me?

See testimonials from current and former Secretary of State Fellows.