CBG ClearVote 2.3

While preparing to install the ClearAccess certified software on newly purchased devices it was discovered that the model numbers of the devices purchased by the county (Elo POS EPS15E2) were not listed as part of the Colorado certified ClearVote 2.3 system. Upon discovery, the trusted build installation was suspended. Subsequently, Clear Ballot Group discovered that the model number in the application, test report, and EAC certification (Elo POS EPS15E3) was incorrectly listed and did not reflect the device that was actually tested by the voting system test lab and part of the ClearVote 2.2 and 2.3 systems. Clear Ballot Group then took corrective action with the Election Assistance Commission to update the federal certification to list the correct model number, and upon approval, undertook a similar corrective action to update the certification in Colorado. The documents on this page were submitted by Clear Ballot Group in order to update the ClearVote 2.3 certification to both include the correct model number as well as de-list the mistaken model number. Any references to the Elo POS EPS15E3 in the original ClearVote 2.3 certification should be correctly understood to be referring to the EPS15E2.

System modifications