Foreclosure and Homeless Voters FAQs

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Displaced voters brochure (PDF)

Q1. If my home is in foreclosure, will I be allowed to vote?

A1. Every eligible voter has the right to vote in Colorado. The fact that your home is in foreclosure has no bearing on your right to vote. It may, however, affect where you vote.

Q2. I received a notice of foreclosure. Is my voter registration affected?

A2. A foreclosure notice does not affect residence for the purposes of voter registration. You may register, or remain registered to vote at your current address.

Q3. What if I am no longer living in the house for which I received a foreclosure notice?

A3. You may register, or remain registered to vote at the address of the property in foreclosure unless you establish a new permanent residence.

Q4. I established a new permanent residence due to foreclosure. Do I need to update my voter registration?

A4. If you have adopted a new permanent residence prior to the election, you will need to update your voter registration information. You can update your voter registration information by visiting

Q5. How do I register to vote if I do not have a fixed permanent residence?

A5. If you are homeless, permanently reside in a recreational vehicle (RV), or for whatever reason have no fixed permanent address, you may use any address that you regularly return to and have the intent to remain. This location is referred to as a "home base" (residential address) and may be used for voter registration purposes.

Q6. What are acceptable residence locations for individuals without a fixed permanent home?

A6. If a voter lacks a fixed permanent address, then a residential address does NOT need to be provided when registering to vote. For example, a voter who permanently resides in an RV may use a campground as a "home base" for voter registration purposes.

Likewise, individuals who cannot afford regular or adequate shelter may use a park, vacant lot, or homeless shelter as "home base" for voter registration purposes. The voter may provide any physical location as an address if he/she intends that location to be their "home base."

Q7. What if a voter provides a location that does not have a mailing address?

A7. While a voter may use any physical location as a residence, he/she cannot be registered to vote without providing a valid mailing address. This means, that although a voter may provide a physical location as his/her residence, the voter must also provide a valid mailing address where he/she can receive correspondence such as a mail ballot or TABOR notice. Without a valid mailing address, a voter cannot be registered to vote.

Q8. Can a post office box be used as a "home base" for voter registration purposes?

A8. No. Post office boxes may NEVER be used as a residence address. Voters must provide a physical location so the designated election official can determine the appropriate candidates and issues to place on the voter's ballot.

Q9. Can a post office box be used as a mailing address for voter registration purposes?

A9. Yes. Post office boxes are ONLY acceptable as a mailing address. Meaning, that if a homeless voter uses a physical location that does not have a mailing address (such as a park), he/she may provide a post office as a mailing address. Post office boxes, however, are NEVER acceptable for residence purposes.