Voter Registration Drive FAQs

For election officials

Q1. Am I required to accept Voter Registration Applications from a VRD if the applications are turned in after the deadline?

A1. Yes. You are required to accept ALL applications. Please inform the VRD of the rules concerning VRDs and provide them with the Secretary of State's contact information. You may also file a complaint against an organization that is not complying with VRD requirements.

Q2. Am I required to accept applications from an organization that is not registered as a VRD?

A2. Yes. You are required to accept ALL applications. Please inform the organization of the rules concerning VRDs and provide them with the Secretary of State's contact information. You may also file a complaint against an organization that is not complying with VRD requirements.

Q3. Am I required to accept applications that are incomplete or for another county?

A3. Yes. You are required to accept ALL applications. Please inform the VRD/organization of the rules concerning VRDs and provide them with the Secretary of State's contact information. You may also file a complaint against an organization that is not complying with VRD requirements.

Q4. Can I give out VRD forms to anyone who requests them?

A4. No. VRD forms should be given to approved VRDs only. The Secretary of State's website contains an updated list of approved VRDs .

Q5. Must I keep VRD forms in stock?

A5. Please ensure that your county always has an adequate supply of VRD forms available. If your county unexpectedly runs out of forms, refer the VRD organizer or agent to the Secretary of State's office. Additional forms may be requested on the Secretary of State's website through Clerk's Corner.

Q6. How can I verify whether an organization is an approved VRD?

A6. The list of approved VRDs is available on the Secretary of State's website on Clerk's Corner under the heading "Other Tools and Resources."