Election Day FAQs

Versión en Español

Q1. If I want to vote in-person what should I do with my mail ballot?

A1. If you want to vote in-person, you may return your mail ballot and vote in-person at a voter service and polling center. Even if you do not return your mail ballot you may still vote in person. Once you vote in person your county clerk will not accept for counting any ballot that was mailed to you. The deadline to vote in-person is 7:00 PM on Election Day.

Q2. Do I need identification if I vote in person?

A2. All voters who vote in-person must provide identification. While there are many forms of acceptable identification, most voters find it convenient to bring their Colorado driver's license or Colorado ID. A Colorado ID is available at no cost to those who are eligible. For more information on obtaining a Colorado ID, please contact the Colorado Department of Revenue.

Q3. When I vote and show an ID like my Colorado driver's license, does the address on my ID need to match my voter registration?

A3. If you show ID that has an address on it, the address must be in Colorado but it does not have to match your voter registration

Q4. If I am a new citizen, do I need to show proof of citizenship when I vote?

A4. You are NOT required to show proof of your citizenship when voting. Because you already affirmed your citizenship when you registered to vote, this is unnecessary when you vote.

Keep in mind, however, that all voters are required to present ID when voting in-person and sometimes when voting by mail. To make sure you do not run in to any problems when voting, please see the list of acceptable forms of identification.

Q5. Can I get time off from my job to vote?

A5. Possibly. Under Colorado law, voters may get time off without loss of pay if he/she does not have sufficient time outside of regular working hours to vote. Please refer to Section 1-7-102 of the Colorado Revised Statutes for details.

Q6. How can I find my polling location?

A6. All general, primary, odd-year, coordinated, recall, and congressional vacancy elections are now conducted by mail ballot. If you want to vote at a polling location, you can find your polling location by visiting www.GoVoteColorado.gov.

Q7. Will I still be able to vote if I am in line past 7:00 PM on Election Day?

A7. Voters who are in line at their polling location by 7:00 PM are allowed to vote no matter how long it takes for each person to cast his or her ballot.

Q8. How do provisional ballots work?

A8. If you try to register to vote on Election Day, but do not have verifiable identification, you may vote a provisional ballot. After Election Day, the election official will review the provisional ballot to verify your eligibility to vote. If you are eligible, your ballot will be counted. For more information please see Provisional Ballot FAQs.

Q9. Will my ballot be counted if I don't vote every race on it? What if I leave some races blank?

A9. You do not have to vote on every race unless you choose to do so. For example, some voters only cast a vote for President while others may vote for every race. Whatever races you do choose to vote on will be counted.

Q10. If I am voting by mail, when must the county clerk and recorder receive my ballot?

A10. Mail ballots must be received by the county clerk and recorder no later than 7:00 PM on Election Day. Voters are encouraged to drop off ballots at designated drop off sites, drop-boxes, or mail their ballots in time to be received by the county clerk before the polls close. Postmarks do not count; ballots must be in the hands of the county clerk by 7:00 PM on Election Day in order to be counted.

Q11. What should I do if I do not receive my mail ballot, make a mistake, damage, or lose my mail ballot?

A11. Your options are two-fold. You can either:

  • Request a replacement mail ballot from your county clerk; or
  • Vote in-person at a voter service and polling center.

Q12. Are accessible voting machines available in every polling location?

A12. Accessible voting machines are available in every polling location for voters. Accessible voting machines provide the ability for voters with disabilities, including visual impairments, to vote privately and independently.

Voters using a touch screen voting machine or voting machines that use a wheel to make choices (called DREs) are encouraged to review their choices on the machine and on the paper printout. Touch screen machines place votes based on where the voter touches the screen. Sometimes voters may inadvertently touch a section of the screen that does not reflect the voter's choice. For voting machines that use a wheel to navigate to the ballot, voters are encouraged to carefully maneuver the wheel to make appropriate selections. For more information please see Voters with Disabilities FAQs.

Q13. How are election judges assigned to polling locations?

A13. All major political parties provide lists of election judges to the election official. The election official, then, utilizes these lists to assign bi-partisan teams of election judges to designated polling locations.

Q14. Can people observe the voting process?

A14. Many polling places will have poll watchers assigned to observe the voting process. Poll watchers are certified by political parties, unaffiliated candidates, and proponents and opponents of ballot questions. Poll watchers may observe the election process from before the polls open until after the election results are posted. However, poll watchers are not allowed to see how an individual votes. For more information please see our Watchers FAQ.