Instructions for Registering as a Professional Fundraising Consultant

Do I have to register online?

Yes. All filings with our office are online, including registration, renewals, amendments, and other forms.

Do I need to register?

Every professional fundraising consultant must register before soliciting contributions in Colorado.

How do I register?

  • Have you already created an account and received your user ID and password? If not, create an account first.

  • For help on registering, you can also view our how-to video for Professional Fundraising Consultant registration.

  • Log in to your account with your user ID and password. Need help logging in?

  • The first time that you log in, you will be taken directly to your dashboard. Click on the “Register” link in the upper left-hand corner of the page in the “My Organizations” panel.

  • Review the information on the Professional Fundraising Consultant Registration page, then click on "Next" at the bottom of the screen.

  • Enter the requested information for each tab in sequence. To save data, click on the “Save & Exit” button. This will take you to your dashboard. Data is not saved automatically as you enter it or when an idle session is terminated after 30 minutes. You must click the “Save & Exit” button to save data.

  • To edit data in a previous tab, enter all required data in the current tab, and then click on the earlier tab. Alternatively, you can click on the “Save & Exit” button, and then click on the link to the filing and select the tab you’d like to edit.

  • Click on the "Next" button at the bottom of the screen to continue. Remember to click on the “Save & Exit” button if you want to save your data.

  • Fill out the information required on the form. Line-by-line instructions

  • Attach a completed criminal history and enforcement actions form, if applicable

  • When you have finished entering information, you will electronically sign the registration and then complete the payment process.

How long is my registration valid?

Your registration is valid for one year. Registrations can be renewed each year on or up to 60 days before the registration anniversary date.

I have other questions about registration.

See our registration FAQs or contact us at 303-894-2200 or if you have other questions.