Uniform Commercial Code FAQs

User accounts

Q1. Do I have to create a user account before I file?

A1. No. User accounts are optional. You can search or file without one.

Q2. Are there advantages to creating an account?

A2. Yes. A user account allows you to:

  • Get certified documents and search reports,
  • Save information for later use,
  • Save a partially-completed form and come back to it later,
  • Track account filing activity, and
  • Register to receive EFS master list

Q3. How do I create a user account?

A3. To create a user account:

  • Go to the UCC filing system.
  • Click on "Create user account" in the menu on the left-hand side of the page.
    • You will need to create a user name and password and provide contact information.
  • When you have finished entering the required information, click on "Submit."

When you have successfully created your account, you will be taken to the log in page.

Q4. Can I see my filing history?

A4. Yes. To see the activity on your account:

  • Log in to your user account.
  • Click on "My account home" in the menu on the left-hand side of the page.
  • Click on "View filing activity."

The Account Activity page will show you up to 500 filings for the last 30 days.

If you need to see activity that is older than 30 days, or to get a report for a specific range of dates:

  • Click on "Obtain Report."
  • Enter the date range that you want included in your report.
  • Click on "Obtain Report."

Q5. I forgot my password. What do I do?

A5 To reset your password:

  • Go to the UCC filing system.
  • Click "Login" on the left-hand side of the page.
  • Click "Forgot password?"
  • Enter your user ID and the email address on your account.
  • Click "Reset."

A temporary password will be emailed to you. The temporary password will expire after four hours.

Use the temporary password to log in to your account. Once you are logged in, click "Change password" on the left-hand side of page.

Q6. How do I change my password?

A6. To change your password:

  • Enter the old password.
  • Enter a new password.
    Passwords must have at least:
    • Eight characters,
    • One upper-case letter,
    • One lower-case letter, and
    • One number.
  • Re-enter the password to confirm it.
  • Click "Save."

Q7. Do you ever delete user accounts?

A7. Yes. User accounts are deleted after they have been inactive for 18 months.

Q8. Can your office tell me my username/password or other account information?

A8. All user accounts are maintained by the user. Our office is unable to access your account information.