Today is Last Suggested Day to Return Ballots by Mail; Starting Tuesday, Colorado Voters Reminded to Return Mail Ballots Exclusively via Drop Box or Voting Center
Denver, October 26, 2020 – With just eight days until the November 3 General Election, Colorado voters are reminded that today is the last suggested day to return voted ballots by mail. Starting Tuesday, October 27, voters should return their ballots to a drop box or their local Voter Service and Polling Center (VSPC) instead of through the United States Postal Service. Today is also the last day Colorado voters can register to vote and be mailed a ballot or request that a replacement ballot be mailed to them. After today, voters can still register and vote at a VSPC through 7 p.m. on Election Day.
“Coloradans have been making their voices heard this election with high turn-out during early voting. I hope this enthusiasm will help our state lead the nation in voter turnout this election,” said Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold. “Today is the last day to return a voted ballot by mail. After today, voters should return their ballot to one of the hundreds of drop boxes or voting centers across the state.”
This year, nearly 390 drop boxes and 342 VSPCs are available statewide for Colorado voters, an increase from 2018 of over 130 drop boxes and 42 VSPCs. In addition to drop boxes funded by the Colorado Secretary of State’s office, many counties added boxes independently. To find the nearest drop box or VSPC, voters can use a search tool located on the Colorado Secretary of State’s website. For the first time, voters across the state can also track their ballots from when they are sent to when they are processed by signing up for BallotTrax at
For those wishing to vote in-person, the Secretary of State has issued election rules and guidance to help ensure voting in-person is as safe as possible, including PPE for poll workers and social distancing requirements. The Secretary of State’s Office has helped provide counties PPE and will also reimburse counties for sick pay for poll workers.
Voted ballots must be received by county election officials by 7 p.m. on November 3.
To register to vote, check your registration, or for election information, please visit