The Colorado Secretary of State's Office Implements New Voter Registration Drive Laws
Denver, August 9, 2005 - As issue committees prepare for the 2005 odd-year election and candidates begin to prepare for the 2006 general election, Secretary of State Donetta Davidson has announced plans to begin training for Voter Registration Drive coordinators in August. The training is required pursuant to a new state law that was, in part, specifically designed to protect voters by discouraging voter registration fraud.
On June 6, 2005, Governor Bill Owens signed Senate Bill 05-206, which requires Voter Registration Drive (VRD) organizers to complete training provided by the Secretary of State to learn how to properly handle voter registration applications.
"Voter Registration Drives are important to the process and their work for the public is admirable. The purpose of this training is to ensure VRD organizers and circulators understand the importance and proper methods of handling citizens' applications," Secretary of State Davidson said. "In the months leading up to the 2004 General Election there was a good deal of concern by election officials and the public about the mishandling of voter registration applications by voter registration drives. We listened to those concerns and developed processes that will protect the voters," Davidson added.
The new state law now requires groups of two or more persons that both distribute and collect voter registration applications to register with the Secretary of State's office and receive training on the proper handling of voter registration applications. The Secretary of State will also make available the information to VRD organizers so they can train their circulators. Secretary Davidson has recently adopted election rules that require the voter registration circulators to provide a receipt to the applicant. The purpose of the receipt is for the voter to be able to provide proof to election officials of their attempt to register to vote. Registrants are cautioned about giving photocopies of any form of identification to the VRD.
The training will include circulator compensation, handling of confidential information, voter registration fraud penalties, deadlines for application submission to county clerk and recorders, and much more.
Training sessions have been scheduled every Tuesday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and every Wednesday from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. To register for a training session, please contact Billi Joel Lupton at (303) 894-2200 ext. 6325.