Write-In Vote Information

In Colorado, a person who wishes to be a write-in candidate for an office in an election must file an affidavit of intent stating that he or she desires the office and is qualified to assume its duties if elected (1-4-1101(1), C.R.S.). In order for a write-in vote to be counted, the candidate must have filed the write-in affidavit of intent by the deadline for the applicable election (1-4-1101(2), C.R.S.).  Any write-in votes for an individual who did not file the write-in affidavit will not be counted.

If a candidate files the required write-in affidavit by the deadline, then their name will not be printed on the ballot, but a write-in line will be printed under the office they are seeking election where voters can write the candidate’s name. 

To cast a vote for a write-in candidate, a voter should write at least a reasonably correct interpretation of the candidates last name on the write-in line.  For President/Vice President and Governor/Lt. Governor, both candidates names' must be written in order for the vote to be counted (1-4-1103(2), C.R.S.).