2020 General Election Turnout

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Calculated as a percentage of active voters

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County Active voters Ballots cast Turnout %
Adams 289,745 239,056 82.51%
Alamosa 9,546 7,923 83.00%
Arapahoe 412,005 354,246 85.98%
Archuleta 10,607 9,237 87.08%
Baca 2,651 2,245 84.69%
Bent 2,817 2,295 81.47%
Boulder 230,721 207,965 90.14%
Broomfield 51,868 47,103 90.81%
Chaffee 15,259 13,862 90.84%
Cheyenne 1,282 1,146 89.39%
Clear Creek 7,597 6,611 87.02%
Conejos 5,175 4,404 85.10%
Costilla 2,679 2,139 79.84%
Crowley 2,129 1,769 83.09%
Custer 4,062 3,674 90.45%
Delta 22,156 19,553 88.25%
Denver 463,899 398,485 85.90%
Dolores 1,631 1,463 89.70%
Douglas 257,580 234,176 90.91%
Eagle 34,241 29,471 86.07%
El Paso 458,246 383,167 83.62%
Elbert 21,013 19,131 91.04%
Fremont 30,200 25,791 85.40%
Garfield 36,581 31,245 85.41%
Gilpin 4,851 4,240 87.40%
Grand 11,705 9,972 85.19%
Gunnison 12,559 11,316 90.10%
Hinsdale 700 640 91.43%
Huerfano 5,172 4,459 86.21%
Jackson 1,006 889 88.37%
Jefferson 425,991 381,245 89.50%
Kiowa 1,004 909 90.54%
Kit Carson 4,576 3,893 85.07%
La Plata 41,691 35,985 86.31%
Lake 4,829 4,010 83.04%
Larimer 254,377 226,683 89.11%
Las Animas 9,895 8,062 81.48%
Lincoln 3,070 2,665 86.81%
Logan 12,236 10,606 86.68%
Mesa 106,050 91,490 86.27%
Mineral 831 767 92.30%
Moffat 8,450 7,074 83.72%
Montezuma 18,521 15,631 84.40%
Montrose 28,747 25,159 87.52%
Morgan 16,884 13,860 82.09%
Otero 11,915 9,704 81.44%
Ouray 4,440 4,050 91.22%
Park 14,275 12,407 86.91%
Phillips 2,845 2,509 88.19%
Pitkin 13,857 12,086 87.22%
Prowers 6,888 5,601 81.32%
Pueblo 109,471 89,154 81.44%
Rio Blanco 4,247 3,709 87.33%
Rio Grande 7,516 6,377 84.85%
Routt 19,201 17,048 88.79%
Saguache 4,197 3,444 82.06%
San Juan 656 571 87.04%
San Miguel 5,913 5,190 87.77%
Sedgwick 1,691 1,467 86.75%
Summit 21,632 18,682 86.36%
Teller 19,208 17,087 88.96%
Washington 3,348 3,028 90.44%
Weld 199,857 168,816 84.47%
Yuma 5,773 5,019 86.94%
Total 3,803,765 3,291,661 86.54%

Calculated as a percentage of registered voters

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County Registered voters Ballots cast Turnout %
Adams 316,308 239,056 75.58%
Alamosa 10,936 7,923 72.45%
Arapahoe 459,641 354,246 77.07%
Archuleta 12,024 9,237 76.82%
Baca 2,965 2,245 75.72%
Bent 3,339 2,295 68.73%
Boulder 254,616 207,965 81.68%
Broomfield 57,100 47,103 82.49%
Chaffee 17,052 13,862 81.29%
Cheyenne 1,428 1,146 80.25%
Clear Creek 8,594 6,611 76.93%
Conejos 5,570 4,404 79.07%
Costilla 3,026 2,139 70.69%
Crowley 2,361 1,769 74.93%
Custer 4,469 3,674 82.21%
Delta 23,861 19,553 81.95%
Denver 522,663 398,485 76.24%
Dolores 1,915 1,463 76.40%
Douglas 277,366 234,176 84.43%
Eagle 38,014 29,471 77.53%
El Paso 516,746 383,167 74.15%
Elbert 22,676 19,131 84.37%
Fremont 33,168 25,791 77.76%
Garfield 40,723 31,245 76.73%
Gilpin 5,656 4,240 74.96%
Grand 13,198 9,972 75.56%
Gunnison 14,479 11,316 78.15%
Hinsdale 793 640 80.71%
Huerfano 5,792 4,459 76.99%
Jackson 1,272 889 69.89%
Jefferson 459,282 381,245 83.01%
Kiowa 1,080 909 84.17%
Kit Carson 5,087 3,893 76.53%
La Plata 48,741 35,985 73.83%
Lake 5,919 4,010 67.75%
Larimer 280,782 226,683 80.73%
Las Animas 11,670 8,062 69.08%
Lincoln 3,432 2,665 77.65%
Logan 13,343 10,606 79.49%
Mesa 119,045 91,490 76.85%
Mineral 937 767 81.86%
Moffat 9,723 7,074 72.76%
Montezuma 21,282 15,631 73.45%
Montrose 31,197 25,159 80.65%
Morgan 18,306 13,860 75.71%
Otero 13,074 9,704 74.22%
Ouray 4,908 4,050 82.52%
Park 16,225 12,407 76.47%
Phillips 3,397 2,509 73.86%
Pitkin 15,207 12,086 79.48%
Prowers 7,708 5,601 72.66%
Pueblo 119,536 89,154 74.58%
Rio Blanco 4,762 3,709 77.89%
Rio Grande 8,572 6,377 74.39%
Routt 21,491 17,048 79.33%
Saguache 4,733 3,444 72.77%
San Juan 772 571 73.96%
San Miguel 6,664 5,190 77.88%
Sedgwick 1,910 1,467 76.81%
Summit 25,608 18,682 72.95%
Teller 22,032 17,087 77.56%
Washington 3,682 3,028 82.24%
Weld 217,501 168,816 77.62%
Yuma 6,172 5,019 81.32%
Total 4,211,531 3,291,661 78.16%