2016 General Election Turnout

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Calculated as a percentage of active voters

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County Active voters Ballots cast Turnout %
County Adams Active voters 243,978 Ballots cast 198,917 Turnout % 81.53%
County Alamosa Active voters 8,550 Ballots cast 7,159 Turnout % 83.73%
County Arapahoe Active voters 370,229 Ballots cast 311,745 Turnout % 84.20%
County Archuleta Active voters 8,889 Ballots cast 7,539 Turnout % 84.81%
County Baca Active voters 2,547 Ballots cast 2,214 Turnout % 86.93%
County Bent Active voters 2,468 Ballots cast 1,993 Turnout % 80.75%
County Boulder Active voters 216,516 Ballots cast 192,405 Turnout % 88.86%
County Broomfield Active voters 43,557 Ballots cast 38,737 Turnout % 88.93%
County Chaffee Active voters 13,033 Ballots cast 11,603 Turnout % 89.03%
County Cheyenne Active voters 1,275 Ballots cast 1,121 Turnout % 87.92%
County Clear Creek Active voters 7,061 Ballots cast 6,033 Turnout % 85.44%
County Conejos Active voters 4,926 Ballots cast 4,168 Turnout % 84.61%
County Costilla Active voters 2,420 Ballots cast 1,954 Turnout % 80.74%
County Crowley Active voters 1,857 Ballots cast 1,562 Turnout % 84.11%
County Custer Active voters 3,448 Ballots cast 3,147 Turnout % 91.27%
County Delta Active voters 19,397 Ballots cast 17,216 Turnout % 88.76%
County Denver Active voters 409,755 Ballots cast 341,987 Turnout % 83.46%
County Dolores Active voters 1,447 Ballots cast 1,281 Turnout % 88.53%
County Douglas Active voters 214,735 Ballots cast 192,499 Turnout % 89.64%
County Eagle Active voters 30,510 Ballots cast 25,973 Turnout % 85.13%
County El Paso Active voters 384,634 Ballots cast 327,649 Turnout % 85.18%
County Elbert Active voters 18,263 Ballots cast 16,280 Turnout % 89.14%
County Fremont Active voters 26,601 Ballots cast 22,484 Turnout % 84.52%
County Garfield Active voters 31,372 Ballots cast 27,172 Turnout % 86.61%
County Gilpin Active voters 4,205 Ballots cast 3,687 Turnout % 87.68%
County Grand Active voters 10,286 Ballots cast 8,847 Turnout % 86.01%
County Gunnison Active voters 11,401 Ballots cast 9,738 Turnout % 85.41%
County Hinsdale Active voters 685 Ballots cast 611 Turnout % 89.20%
County Huerfano Active voters 4,556 Ballots cast 3,902 Turnout % 85.65%
County Jackson Active voters 994 Ballots cast 885 Turnout % 89.03%
County Jefferson Active voters 387,533 Ballots cast 338,426 Turnout % 87.33%
County Kiowa Active voters 940 Ballots cast 875 Turnout % 93.09%
County Kit Carson Active voters 4,292 Ballots cast 3,762 Turnout % 87.65%
County La Plata Active voters 37,325 Ballots cast 32,012 Turnout % 85.77%
County Lake Active voters 4,105 Ballots cast 3,314 Turnout % 80.73%
County Larimer Active voters 226,070 Ballots cast 201,014 Turnout % 88.92%
County Las Animas Active voters 8,582 Ballots cast 7,020 Turnout % 81.80%
County Lincoln Active voters 2,795 Ballots cast 2,474 Turnout % 88.52%
County Logan Active voters 11,300 Ballots cast 9,904 Turnout % 87.65%
County Mesa Active voters 91,364 Ballots cast 79,664 Turnout % 87.19%
County Mineral Active voters 747 Ballots cast 682 Turnout % 91.30%
County Moffat Active voters 7,469 Ballots cast 6,624 Turnout % 88.69%
County Montezuma Active voters 16,345 Ballots cast 13,189 Turnout % 80.69%
County Montrose Active voters 25,113 Ballots cast 21,743 Turnout % 86.58%
County Morgan Active voters 14,683 Ballots cast 12,257 Turnout % 83.48%
County Otero Active voters 10,553 Ballots cast 8,764 Turnout % 83.05%
County Ouray Active voters 3,778 Ballots cast 3,383 Turnout % 89.54%
County Park Active voters 12,416 Ballots cast 10,642 Turnout % 85.71%
County Phillips Active voters 2,734 Ballots cast 2,394 Turnout % 87.56%
County Pitkin Active voters 12,733 Ballots cast 10,776 Turnout % 84.63%
County Prowers Active voters 6,287 Ballots cast 5,134 Turnout % 81.66%
County Pueblo Active voters 99,598 Ballots cast 80,794 Turnout % 81.12%
County Rio Blanco Active voters 3,969 Ballots cast 3,506 Turnout % 88.33%
County Rio Grande Active voters 6,867 Ballots cast 5,747 Turnout % 83.69%
County Routt Active voters 16,721 Ballots cast 14,418 Turnout % 86.23%
County Saguache Active voters 3,700 Ballots cast 2,940 Turnout % 79.46%
County San Juan Active voters 603 Ballots cast 520 Turnout % 86.24%
County San Miguel Active voters 5,303 Ballots cast 4,462 Turnout % 84.14%
County Sedgwick Active voters 1,574 Ballots cast 1,400 Turnout % 88.95%
County Summit Active voters 20,478 Ballots cast 16,645 Turnout % 81.28%
County Teller Active voters 17,168 Ballots cast 14,736 Turnout % 85.83%
County Washington Active voters 3,063 Ballots cast 2,784 Turnout % 90.89%
County Weld Active voters 164,258 Ballots cast 138,558 Turnout % 84.35%
County Yuma Active voters 5,602 Ballots cast 4,889 Turnout % 87.27%
County Total Active voters 3,335,663 Ballots cast 2,855,960 Turnout % 85.62%

Calculated as a percentage of registered voters

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County Registered voters Ballots cast Turnout %
County Adams Active voters 273,117 Ballots cast 198,917 Turnout % 72.83%
County Alamosa Active voters 10,039 Ballots cast 7,159 Turnout % 71.31%
County Arapahoe Active voters 421,178 Ballots cast 311,745 Turnout % 74.02%
County Archuleta Active voters 10,600 Ballots cast 7,539 Turnout % 71.12%
County Baca Active voters 2,825 Ballots cast 2,214 Turnout % 78.37%
County Bent Active voters 2,938 Ballots cast 1,993 Turnout % 67.84%
County Boulder Active voters 263,523 Ballots cast 192,405 Turnout % 73.01%
County Broomfield Active voters 49,422 Ballots cast 38,737 Turnout % 78.38%
County Chaffee Active voters 14,714 Ballots cast 11,603 Turnout % 78.86%
County Cheyenne Active voters 1,417 Ballots cast 1,121 Turnout % 79.11%
County Clear Creek Active voters 7,987 Ballots cast 6,033 Turnout % 75.54%
County Conejos Active voters 5,763 Ballots cast 4,168 Turnout % 72.32%
County Costilla Active voters 2,923 Ballots cast 1,954 Turnout % 66.85%
County Crowley Active voters 2,096 Ballots cast 1,562 Turnout % 74.52%
County Custer Active voters 3,866 Ballots cast 3,147 Turnout % 81.40%
County Delta Active voters 22,194 Ballots cast 17,216 Turnout % 77.57%
County Denver Active voters 474,975 Ballots cast 341,987 Turnout % 72.00%
County Dolores Active voters 1,703 Ballots cast 1,281 Turnout % 75.22%
County Douglas Active voters 238,123 Ballots cast 192,499 Turnout % 80.84%
County Eagle Active voters 34,928 Ballots cast 25,973 Turnout % 74.36%
County El Paso Active voters 457,329 Ballots cast 327,649 Turnout % 71.64%
County Elbert Active voters 19,833 Ballots cast 16,280 Turnout % 82.09%
County Fremont Active voters 30,590 Ballots cast 22,484 Turnout % 73.50%
County Garfield Active voters 35,017 Ballots cast 27,172 Turnout % 77.60%
County Gilpin Active voters 4,981 Ballots cast 3,687 Turnout % 74.02%
County Grand Active voters 11,730 Ballots cast 8,847 Turnout % 75.42%
County Gunnison Active voters 13,263 Ballots cast 9,738 Turnout % 73.42%
County Hinsdale Active voters 744 Ballots cast 611 Turnout % 82.12%
County Huerfano Active voters 5,105 Ballots cast 3,902 Turnout % 76.43%
County Jackson Active voters 1,209 Ballots cast 885 Turnout % 73.20%
County Jefferson Active voters 429,933 Ballots cast 338,426 Turnout % 78.72%
County Kiowa Active voters 1,029 Ballots cast 875 Turnout % 85.03%
County Kit Carson Active voters 4,955 Ballots cast 3,762 Turnout % 75.92%
County La Plata Active voters 44,511 Ballots cast 32,012 Turnout % 71.92%
County Lake Active voters 5,606 Ballots cast 3,314 Turnout % 59.12%
County Larimer Active voters 255,689 Ballots cast 201,014 Turnout % 78.62%
County Las Animas Active voters 10,420 Ballots cast 7,020 Turnout % 67.37%
County Lincoln Active voters 3,185 Ballots cast 2,474 Turnout % 77.68%
County Logan Active voters 13,245 Ballots cast 9,904 Turnout % 74.78%
County Mesa Active voters 116,248 Ballots cast 79,664 Turnout % 68.53%
County Mineral Active voters 838 Ballots cast 682 Turnout % 81.38%
County Moffat Active voters 10,040 Ballots cast 6,624 Turnout % 65.98%
County Montezuma Active voters 20,042 Ballots cast 13,189 Turnout % 65.81%
County Montrose Active voters 27,529 Ballots cast 21,743 Turnout % 78.98%
County Morgan Active voters 16,066 Ballots cast 12,257 Turnout % 76.29%
County Otero Active voters 11,975 Ballots cast 8,764 Turnout % 73.19%
County Ouray Active voters 4,459 Ballots cast 3,383 Turnout % 75.87%
County Park Active voters 14,339 Ballots cast 10,642 Turnout % 74.22%
County Phillips Active voters 3,268 Ballots cast 2,394 Turnout % 73.26%
County Pitkin Active voters 15,281 Ballots cast 10,776 Turnout % 70.52%
County Prowers Active voters 7,246 Ballots cast 5,134 Turnout % 70.85%
County Pueblo Active voters 114,846 Ballots cast 80,794 Turnout % 70.35%
County Rio Blanco Active voters 4,650 Ballots cast 3,506 Turnout % 75.40%
County Rio Grande Active voters 8,099 Ballots cast 5,747 Turnout % 70.96%
County Routt Active voters 19,988 Ballots cast 14,418 Turnout % 72.13%
County Saguache Active voters 4,476 Ballots cast 2,940 Turnout % 65.68%
County San Juan Active voters 734 Ballots cast 520 Turnout % 70.84%
County San Miguel Active voters 6,329 Ballots cast 4,462 Turnout % 70.50%
County Sedgwick Active voters 1,804 Ballots cast 1,400 Turnout % 77.61%
County Summit Active voters 26,835 Ballots cast 16,645 Turnout % 62.03%
County Teller Active voters 19,613 Ballots cast 14,736 Turnout % 75.13%
County Washington Active voters 3,360 Ballots cast 2,784 Turnout % 82.86%
County Weld Active voters 182,318 Ballots cast 138,558 Turnout % 76.00%
County Yuma Active voters 6,215 Ballots cast 4,889 Turnout % 78.66%
County Total Active voters 3,839,303 Ballots cast 2,855,960 Turnout % 74.39%