Results for Proposed Initiative #303

Ballot Title Setting Board

The title as designated and fixed by the Board is as follows:

Funding available for counties, school districts, water districts, fire districts, and other districts funded, at least in part, by property taxes shall be impacted by a reduction of $145 million in property tax revenue by an amendment to the Colorado constitution prohibiting taxes on a parcel of real property from growing more than 4% annually, and, in connection therewith, excluding from this growth limit property that has been reappraised due to substantial improvement or change in use; increasing the limit for the first year a voter-approved mill levy increase takes effect; in years in which the 4% growth limit is not exceeded, allowing the unmet growth to be added to a later year when the 4% growth limit is exceeded.

The ballot title and submission clause as designated and fixed by the Board is as follows:

Shall funding available for counties, school districts, water districts, fire districts, and other districts funded, at least in part, by property taxes be impacted by a reduction of $145 million in property tax revenue by an amendment to the Colorado constitution prohibiting taxes on a parcel of real property from growing more than 4% annually, and, in connection therewith, excluding from this growth limit property that has been reappraised due to substantial improvement or change in use; increasing the limit for the first year a voter-approved mill levy increase takes effect; in years in which the 4% growth limit is not exceeded, allowing the unmet growth to be added to a later year when the 4% growth limit is exceeded?

Hearing April 18, 2024

Single subject approved; staff draft amended; titles set.
The Board determined that the proposed initiative requires the addition of language to the Colorado Constitution. The requirement for approval by fifty-five percent of the votes cast applies to this initiative.
Board members: Theresa Conley, Christy Chase, Kurt Morrison
Hearing adjourned 8:59 PM.

Rehearing April 26, 2024

Motion for rehearing (Wasserman, Terry) granted in its entirety. The Board lacks jurisdiction to set title because the measure has multiple subjects.
Board members: Theresa Conley, Christy Chase, Kurt Morrison
Hearing adjourned: 12:32 PM.

* Unofficially captioned "Limit on Property Tax Increases" by legislative staff for tracking purposes. This caption is not part of the titles set by the Board.