Results for Proposed Initiative #287

Ballot Title Setting Board

The title as designated and fixed by the Board is as follows:

A change to the Colorado Revised Statutes repealing recently created exemptions to the Colorado Open Meetings Law on what communications between state legislators constitute a meeting and must be open to the public.

The ballot title and submission clause as designated and fixed by the Board is as follows:

Shall there be a change to the Colorado Revised Statutes repealing recently created exemptions to the Colorado Open Meetings Law on what communications between state legislators constitute a meeting and must be open to the public?

Hearing April 17, 2024

Single subject approved; staff draft amended; titles set.
Board members: Theresa Conley, Jeremiah Barry, Kurt Morrison
Hearing adjourned 1:52 PM.

* Unofficially captioned "Repeal Provisions in Open Meetings Law Applicable to Legislative Proceedings" by legislative staff for tracking purposes. This caption is not part of the titles set by the Board.