Results for Proposed Initiative #171

Ballot Title Setting Board

The title as designated and fixed by the Board is as follows:

A change to the Colorado Revised Statutes requiring an attorney in a personal injury or wrongful death case to provide to the client a good faith estimate of all court costs and litigation expenses for which the client will be responsible, and, in connection therewith, requiring the disclosure to occur before or within a reasonable time after commencing representation; and limiting the client's responsibility for costs and expenses if the attorney did not substantially comply with the disclosure requirements or if the total costs and expenses exceeds ten percent of the estimate.

The ballot title and submission clause as designated and fixed by the Board is as follows:

Shall there be a change to the Colorado Revised Statutes requiring an attorney in a personal injury or wrongful death case to provide to the client a good faith estimate of all court costs and litigation expenses for which the client will be responsible, and, in connection therewith, requiring the disclosure to occur before or within a reasonable time after commencing representation; and limiting the client's responsibility for costs and expenses if the attorney did not substantially comply with the disclosure requirements or if the total costs and expenses exceeds ten percent of the estimate?

Hearing February 21, 2024

Single subject approved; staff draft amended; titles set.
Board members: Theresa Conley, Jeremiah Barry, Kurt Morrison
Hearing adjourned 4:00 PM.

* Unofficially captioned "Disclosure of Litigation Costs and Expenses" by legislative staff for tracking purposes. This caption is not part of the titles set by the Board.