What is the Title Board?

The Title Board is comprised of the secretary of state, attorney general, and the director of the office of legislative legal services or their designees. The Title Board determines whether or not an initiative has a single subject. The Board does not comment on the merits of the initiative. When finalizing the language for an initiative, the Title Board considers whether the language in the question adequately represents the changes to law and whether the language in the question would be understandable to voters. See section 1-40-106, C.R.S. (PDF)

While Title Board meetings are held at the Secretary of State’s Office and title submissions and rehearing requests are made to Secretary of State staff, the decisions of the Title Board are its own and do not represent the opinions of the Secretary of State’s Office. For more information about the process of placing a question on the ballot, please go to this link: https://www.coloradosos.gov/pubs/elections/Initiatives/guide/main.html