Colorado’s Elections are Secure

Law enforcement, the military, and bi-partisan officials have made strong statements about election security.

Law Enforcement: The Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation determined in March 2021 that:

There is no evidence any foreign government or other actors compromised election infrastructure to change results.

Claims that foreign governments—including Venezuela, Cuba, or China—interfered in the election were investigated and determined to not be credible.

Key Findings and Recommendations from the Joint Report of the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security on Foreign Interference Targeting Election Infrastructure or Political Organization, Campaign, or Candidate Infrastructure Related to the 2020 US Federal Elections (PDF)

Military: The four-star general leading Cyber Command indicated in November 2020 that:

He is very confident foreign adversaries did not affect our elections.

U.S. undertook cyber operation against Iran as part of effort to secure the 2020 election - The Washington Post

Intelligence Officials: The Director of National Intelligence reported in March 2021 that:

There are no indications foreign actors attempted to alter any technical aspect of the voting process.

Foreign Threats to the 2020 US Federal Elections - National Intelligence Council (PDF)

Former Attorney General, Bill Barr, noted in December 2020 that:

Law enforcement looked into claims of wide spread fraud, such as machines changing election results, and did not find anything to support those claims.

Law enforcement did not see evidence of fraud on a scale that could have affected election results.

Disputing Trump, Barr says no widespread election fraud - AP News

Former Secretary of Homeland Security, Chad Wolf, said in November 2020 that:

The 2020 election was the most secure in US history and there are no indications foreign actors compromised voting machines and changed votes.

Officials Say 2020 Election Is Most Secure In History, but Plead for Patience - The Wall Street Journal

Former US Attorney for Colorado, Jason Dunn, appointed by the previous President, indicated in February 2021 that:

There is no evidence Dominion systems performed other than how they were supposed to, even after the FBI looked into reports about them.

Anyone questioning results in Colorado is not being honest with the public.

Colorado’s Trump-appointed U.S. Attorney was alarmed by falsehoods about Denver-based Dominion Voting Systems - The Colorado Sun

Former Department of Homeland Security Election Chief, Chris Krebs, noted in November 2020 that:

The 2020 election was the most secure in US history—and no foreign or domestic actor changed votes or interfered in the election process.

Fired director of U.S. cyber agency Chris Krebs explains why President Trump's claims of election interference are false - CBS News

The Colorado County Clerk Association (CCCA), which is comprised of Republican, Unaffiliated, and Democratic clerks, noted in December 2020 that:

“The allegations regarding the Dominion Voting systems are false and the audit of the paper ballots demonstrated the facts. Colorado elections are secure and independently verifiable and are not dependent on the voting systems, but paper ballots.”