Foreign Threats to our Elections

Foreign adversaries are attempting to influence voter confidence in the United States

PRC State-Sponsored Actors Compromise and Maintain Persistent Access to U.S. Critical Infrastructure (Cybersecurity, Infrastructure and Security Agency, February 2024)

Foreign powers continue to amplify disinformation to damage the United States. (Department of Homeland Security, February 2022)

Iranian actors conducted online operations, dubbed “Enemies of the People,” to increase the threat to federal, state, and private sector officials and decrease confidence in the electoral process. (FBI, December 2020 and January 2021)

Iran targeted election websites to influence and interfere in the 2020 election. (FBI, DHS, October 30, 2020)

Iranian actors were intent on undermining public confidence in the electoral process and are creating fictitious media sites and spoofing legitimate media sites. (FBI, DHS, October 22, 2020)

Russia has targeted dozens of state and local government computer networks. (FBI, DHS, October 22, 2020)

Iran and Russia are interfering in our elections (DHS, October 20, 2020)

Foreign adversaries are trying to undermine confidence in the 2020 election (DHS, October 6, 2020)

Foreign enemies are peddling conspiracy theories to cause confusion about COVID-19. (DHS, October 6, 2020, May 2020)

Foreign enemies may disrupt existing websites or create fake ones to cause confusion on election results (FBI, DHS, September 22, 2020)

Foreign adversaries are trying to undermine confidence in our elections process (ODNI, August 7, 2020)