How to File a Conflict of Interest

  1. Under "Conflict of interest online system ", click on "File a conflict of interest disclosure".
  2. Enter information in all of the required fields. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk (*).
  3. You can enter the purpose and duration of services on the page, or choose to include them in an attachment.
  4. You can also choose to add attachments by selecting the "Yes" option under "Add attachments?"
  5. After you click on Continue, you will be prompted to attach your files, if applicable.
    • You can drag and drop your files into the window to upload them, or click on "Browse" to browse for your file.
    • Once an attachment has been added, it will be shown with an option to delete it.
    • Up to 5 files can be attached.
    • Click on Continue when you have finished adding your files.
  6. On the "Conflict of Interest Filing Confirmation" page, please review all of your entries and confirm the information before clicking on  "Accept". If changes need to be made, you can click on "Edit" to correct information.
  7. The filing fee can be paid in two ways: by credit card or prepaid account.
  8. Credit card payments are securely processed through Wells Fargo (the address in your browser will say "cybersource"). After completing your payment, you will return to our website.
  9. When your payment has been completed, a receipt will be displayed. You can view or print a PDF of your official certification from this page, as well.
  10. To begin a new filing, click on the Conflict menu button in the upper left and select "New Filing".