2024 Unaffiliated & RTD Candidate Petition Information

If you are an unaffiliated candidate running for state office (US House, State Board of Education, CU Regent, State Senate, State House, District Attorney) or an RTD candidate and attempting to access the general election ballot by petition, please e-mail the following information to ballot.access@coloradosos.gov:

  • Candidate’s name as it will appear on ballot
  • Office running for and district (if applicable)
  • Home address of candidate
  • Name and address of individual/group you want petitions to be returned to
  • The names and addresses of up to 3 unaffiliated registered voters who will serve as a vacancy committee in the event the candidate doesn’t accept the petition nomination because they declined, died, were disqualified, or withdrew. Vacancy committee members need not reside in the district of the office the candidate is running for.
    • Unaffiliated candidates for state house or state senate are required to name 3 unaffiliated registered voters to their committee.
    • All other unaffiliated candidates and RTD candidates may name up to 3 unaffiliated registered voters but are not required to.

Once we receive your information, we will generate a petition format for you and send it to you for review.  You must then submit a proof of the petition format to us before we approve the format for circulation (instructions on how to do so will be provided to you with the petition format).  The first day approved petition formats may be circulated is Thursday, May 16.  You may not begin circulating your petition until you receive a format approval letter from us.