Major Party Statement of Intent and Fee for Presidential Primary Election

Have you announced your candidacy and filed the required campaign finance forms?

Yes, continue to Step 1.

No, I need to become a candidate.


  1. Eligibility for ballot access
  2. Receive Colorado state party approval
  3. Submit statement of intent form and fee
  4. Submit audio recording
  5. Name placed on presidential primary election ballot
  6. Additional filing requirements

Step 1: Eligibility for ballot access

Candidates must meet the basic qualifications for office and be seeking the presidential nomination of the Democratic or Republican Party.

A candidate must meet the qualifications for office outlined in Article II, Section 1(5) of the U.S. Constitution.

Step 2: Receive Colorado state party approval

As soon as possible, complete the State Party Approval form (PDF) and submit it to the appropriate state party. Contact information for the parties is on the form. Our office will not certify a candidate to the ballot unless the state party has approved the candidate as a bona fide candidate.

Step 3: Submit statement of intent form and fee

When the State Party Approval form is returned to you with signed approval from the party, submit the required items below to the Secretary of State’s Office no later than 85 days before the presidential primary election (December 11, 2023).

Step 4: Submit audio recording

Candidate audio recording must be submitted to the Secretary of State no later than 85 days (December 11, 2023) before the presidential primary election.

The audio recording must state the candidate’s name exactly as it appears on the candidate acceptance form, as this is how the candidate’s name will appear on the ballot. [1]

Audio Recording Instructions.

Step 5: Name placed on presidential primary election ballot

Step 6: Additional filing requirements

All candidates for president should contact the Federal Election Commission for campaign finance information and other requirements not addressed at the state level.

Federal Election Commission
1050 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20463

[1] SOS Election Rule 4.6.1