2023 Supplemental Report Calendar

Calendar version (PDF)

Coordinated / Biennial School Board Election: Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Regular Biennial School Electioneering Communication period: Starts 60 days before the Regular Biennial School Election, AND includes communications which are broadcasted, printed, mailed, delivered, or otherwise distributed, AND that mentions one or more school board candidates.

If you spend $1,000 or more in a calendar year on this type of communication, you must report this on your standard disclosure report. You’ll also need to include the method and dates of the communication as well as the name(s) of the candidate(s) mentioned.

24 Hour Major Contributor Report (MC) period: Starts 30 days before the Regular Biennial School Election AND applies to Issue Committees and Candidate Committees whose office appears on the ballot.

A Major Contribution (MC) is any contribution (monetary or non-monetary / In-Kind), including loans by a candidate, of $1,000 or more given at anytime within 30 days before a primary election, general election or the regular biennial school election. If received, you must file a separate MC Report within 24 Hours of receipt.

48 Hour Independent Expenditure Report (IE) period: Starts 30 days before the Regular Biennial School Election AND applies only to Independent Expenditure Committees.

An Independent Expenditure (IE) expressly advocates for or against a ballot issues or candidates and is not coordinated with a candidate, candidate committee, or political party. Within 30 days before the election, if you obligate funds in excess of $1,000 for an IE, you’ll need to file a separate IE report. The IE report is due within 48 hours of obligating funds for the IE and is separate from your standard disclosure report.

2023 Calendar

Supplemental reports Dates

Electioneering communication

September 8, 2023 - November 6, 2023

24-Hour Major Contributor &
48-Hour Independent Expenditure

October 8, 2023 - November 6, 2023

I have questions.

The Colorado Campaign and Political Finance Manual is available on the TRACER website for more detailed information. Contact our office at 303-894-2200, ext. 6383 or cpfhelp@coloradosos.gov for assistance.