2016 Annual Report on Charitable Solicitations in Colorado

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15. Registry Data

As of January 22, 2017


How many charities are registered in Colorado? Number % of Total
Registered charities Number 13,851 % of Total 100%

How many registered charities are 501(c)(3)'s? Number % of Total
501(c)(3) Tax-exempt charities Number 12,528 % of Total 90%
Non-501(c)(3)'s Number 1,323 % of Total 10%

How many registered charities are based in Colorado? Number % of Total
Charities with Colorado principal address Number 8,799 % of Total 64%
Charities with principal address outside Colorado Number 5,052 % of Total 37%

How big are registered charities? Number % of Total
Charities with gross revenues equal to or less than $25,000 Number 3,027 % of Total 22%
Charities with gross revenues between $25,001 and $50,000 Number 1,050 % of Total 8%
Charities with gross revenues between $50,001 and $200,000 Number 2,350 % of Total 17%
Charities with gross revenues greater than $200,000 Number 7,424 % of Total 54%

How many registered charities use paid solicitors? Number % of Total
Charities that don't use paid solicitors Number 13,524 % of Total 98%
Charities that use paid solicitors Number 327 % of Total 2%

Paid solicitors

How many paid solicitors are registered in Colorado? Number % of Total
Registered paid solicitors Number 213 % of Total 100%

How many registered paid solicitors are based in Colorado? Number % of Total
Paid Solicitors with Colorado principal address Number 27 % of Total 13%
Paid Solicitors with principal address outside Colorado Number 186 % of Total 87%

How many solicitation campaigns did paid solicitors run in 2016? Number % of Total
Active solicitation campaigns Number 313 % of Total 100%

Professional fundraising consultants

How many PFCs are registered in Colorado? Number % of Total
Registered PFCs Number 77 % of Total 100%

How many registered PFCs are based in Colorado? Number % of Total
PFCs with Colorado principal address Number 21 % of Total 27%
PFCs with principal address outside Colorado Number 56 % of Total 73%