2015 Annual Report on Charitable Solicitations in Colorado

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4. Charitable Solicitations Rules [8 CCR 1505-9]

Summary of 2015 rulemaking

A rulemaking hearing was held on May 18, 2015, and new rules were adopted on June 10, 2015, with an effective date of December 17, 2015.

The rulemaking was necessary to implement House Bill 14-1206 and included non-substantive revisions to simplify or clarify words and phrases, renumber rules, and make other technical revisions.  The revised rules clarify definitions, establish fines for solicitation notices filed late by paid solicitors, clarify and simplify rules, remove language duplicative of statute, correct numbering and citations, and ensure consistency with Department rulemaking standards.

If you would like to receive notices or other alerts concerning rulemaking, send an email with the subject line: “Charitable Solicitations Rules Notification List” to  SoS.Rulemaking@sos.state.co.us. Please provide your contact information (i.e. your name, title, organization, and email address). 

Current rules

Current Secretary of State rules, including the rules concerning the Colorado Charitable Solicitations Act, are available online. Rules and notices of rulemaking.