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17. Registered Entities
Registry data (as of January 17, 2016)
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How many charities are registered in Colorado? |
Number |
% of Total |
Registered Charities |
12,893 |
100% |
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How many registered charities are 501(c)(3)'s? |
Number |
% of Total |
501(c)(3) Exempt Charities |
11,664 |
91% |
Non-501(c)(3)'s |
1,229 |
9% |
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How many registered charities are based in Colorado? |
Number |
% of Total |
Charities with Colorado Principal Address |
9,095 |
71% |
Charities with Principal Address Outside Colorado |
3,798 |
29% |
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How big are registered charities? |
Number |
% of Total |
Charities with gross revenues less than $25,000 |
2,736 |
21% |
Charities with gross revenues between $25,001 and $50,000 |
998 |
8% |
Charities with gross revenues between $50,001 and $200,000 |
2,245 |
17% |
Charities with gross revenues greater than $200,000 |
6,892 |
53% |
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How many registered charities use paid solicitors? |
Number |
% of Total |
Charities that don't use paid solicitors |
12,577 |
98% |
Charities that use paid solicitors |
316 |
2% |
Paid solicitors
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How many paid solicitors are registered in Colorado? |
Number |
% of Total |
Registered Paid Solicitors |
207 |
100% |
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How many registered paid solicitors are based in Colorado? |
Number |
% of Total |
Paid Solicitors with Colorado Principal Address |
30 |
14% |
Paid Solicitors with Principal Address Outside Colorado |
177 |
86% |
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How many campaigns did paid solicitors run in 2015? |
Number |
% of Total |
Active Solicitation Campaigns |
301 |
100% |
Professional fundraising consultants
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How many PFCs are registered in Colorado? |
Number |
% of Total |
Registered PFCs |
78 |
100% |
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How many registered PFCs are based in Colorado? |
Number |
% of Total |
PFCs with Colorado Principal Address |
20 |
26% |
PFCs with Principal Address Outside Colorado |
58 |
74% |