2014 Annual Report on Charitable Solicitations in Colorado

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16. Charitable Solicitations Highlights


A snapshot showing how many entities were registered and how many solicitation campaigns were being conducted in Colorado as of November 30, 2014.

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Charities 11,945
Paid solicitors 205
Professional fundraising consultants 73
Active solicitation campaigns 424

Contributions received by registered charities with 2013 fiscal year end

Based on overall financial reports filed by charities before Nov. 30, 2014 with a reporting period ending any time between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013.  Includes charities that used paid solicitors.

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Received by Charity count Total $
in millions
High Average $
in millions
All charities 9,541 $70,899 $3,672 $7.4 $0
Colorado-based charities 6,198 $4,362 $656 $0.7 $0

Results of solicitation campaigns

Based on the 446 solicitation campaign financial reports filed in 2014.

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Total gross proceeds $188 million
Total net proceeds to charities $108 million
Percentage of total gross proceeds to charity 57%
Solicitation campaign reports filed 446
Paid solicitors listed on campaign reports 58
Charities listed on campaign reports 291

Giving USA 2014 report highlights

This frequently quoted annual study shows the sources of funding for charities nationally in 2013.

You may need to swipe or scroll sideways to see the whole table.
Source $ in billions
% of total % change from 2012
Individuals $241.3 72% 4.2%
Foundations $50.3 15% 5.7%
Bequests $26.8 8% 8.7%
Corporations $16.8 5% -1.9%
All Americans $335.2 4.4%

Source: Giving USA Foundation (2014).  Giving USA 2014: The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year 2013, www.givingusareports.org.