2013 Annual Report on Charitable Solicitations in Colorado

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14. 2013 Annual Report Data

The data tables summarizing charitable solicitations activity in 2013 are available as separate downloadable Excel (XLS) or comma-separated values (CSV) files. Each of the files below includes separate data provided by registered charitable organizations, paid solicitors, and professional fundraising consultants.

Explanation of the data

Overall charity financial information

All registered charities

All registered charities (XLSX) | All registered charities (CSV)

Main revenue and expense items reported by each registered charity, regardless of whether or not it contracted with a commercial fundraiser. Based on financial reports filed by charities before November 30, 2013 with a reporting period ending anytime between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2012. Includes all charitable organizations.

Colorado-based charities

Colorado-based charities (XLSX) | Colorado-based charities (CSV)

Main revenue and expense items reported by each registered charity, regardless of whether or not it contracted with a commercial fundraiser. Based on financial reports filed by charities before November 30, 2013 with a reporting period ending anytime between January 1, 2012, and December 31, 2012. Includes only charitable organizations with principal address in Colorado.

Solicitation campaign data

Distribution of solicitation campaigns

Distribution of solicitation campaigns (XLSX) | Distribution of solicitation campaigns (CSV)

This chart shows what percentage of all solicitation campaigns fell within certain bands of "percentage of gross proceeds retained by charity." It is based on information disclosed in solicitation campaign financial reports that were filed from December 1, 2012 - November 30, 2013. It includes the total gross proceeds of all solicitation campaigns and the total net to charity. The overall percent to charity from all solicitation campaigns that were conducted by paid solicitors can be calculated by dividing total "Net to Charity" by total "Gross Proceeds."

Solicitation campaigns

Sorted by:

Paid solicitor (XLSX) | Paid solicitor (CSV)

Charitable organization (XLSX) | Charitable organization (CSV)

Percent to charity (XLSX) | Percent to charity (CSV)

Results of each individual solicitation campaign for which a campaign report was filed from December 1, 2012 - November 30, 2013. Lists paid solicitor, charitable organization, campaign dates, contract dates, gross proceeds, expenses, net to charity, percentage of gross proceeds to charity.

Paid solicitor summary 2013

Paid solicitor summary 2013 (XLSX) | Paid solicitor summary 2013 (CSV)

For a particular paid solicitor, summarizes the results of all solicitation campaigns reported in 2013. Shows gross collected, net to charity, overall percent to charity, lowest percentage of gross proceeds to charity, highest percentage of gross proceeds to charity. "Overall Percent to Charity" is calculated by dividing the "Net to Charity" by "Gross Proceeds" for each paid solicitor. The "Clients" column includes charities on whose behalf campaign reports were filed from December 1, 2012 - November 30, 2013. If the number of clients is less than the number of campaigns listed, this is due to the fact that the paid solicitor ran more than one campaign for the same client.

Paid solicitor summary 2009 - 2013

Paid solicitor summary 2009 - 2013 (XLSX) | Paid solicitor summary 2009 - 2013 (CSV)

For a particular paid solicitor, summarizes the results of all solicitation campaigns reported over the past five years. Shows gross collected, average percent to charity, lowest percentage of gross proceeds to charity, highest percentage of gross proceeds to charity. "Overall Percent to Charity" is calculated by dividing the "Net to Charity" by "Gross Proceeds" for each paid solicitor. The "Clients" column includes charities on whose behalf campaign reports were filed from December 1, 2008 - November 30, 2013. If the number of clients is less than the number of campaigns listed, this is due to the fact that the paid solicitor ran more than one campaign for the same client.

Charity summary 2013

Charity summary 2013 (XLSX) | Charity summary 2013 (CSV)

For a particular charity, summarizes the results of solicitation campaigns run by paid solicitors in 2013. Shows gross collected, total expenses, average percent to charity, lowest percentage of gross proceeds to charity, highest percentage of gross proceeds to charity. "Overall Percent to Charity" is calculated by dividing the "Net to Charity" by "Gross Proceeds" for each paid solicitor. The "Paid Solicitor” column lists the paid solicitors that filed campaign reports on behalf of the charity from December 1, 2012, - November 30, 2013.

Charity summary 2009 - 2013

Charity summary 2009 - 2013 (XLSX) | Charity summary 2009 - 2013 (CSV)

For a particular charity, summarizes the results of all solicitation campaigns run by paid solicitors over the past five years. Shows gross collected, net to charity, average percent to charity, lowest percentage of gross proceeds to charity, highest percentage of gross proceeds to charity. “Overall Percent to Charity” is calculated by dividing the "Net to Charity" by "Gross Proceeds" for each paid solicitor. The "Paid Solicitor" column lists the paid solicitors who filed campaign reports on behalf of the charity from December 1, 2008 - November 30, 2013.

Campaign reports vs solicitations notices

Percentage-based contracts (XLSX) | Percentage-based contracts (CSV)

A table summarizing results of campaigns governed by percentage-based contracts. Compares the predicted results of a solicitation campaign as disclosed by paid solicitors on solicitation notices to the actual results of a campaign as reported on solicitation campaign financial reports. Campaign reports filed from December 1, 2012 - November 30, 2013.

Flat-fee-based contracts (XLSX) | Flat-fee-based contracts (CSV)

A table summarizing results of campaigns governed by contracts that were not percentage-based. Compares the predicted results of a solicitation campaign as disclosed by paid solicitors on solicitation notices to the actual results of a campaign as reported on solicitation campaign financial reports. Campaign reports filed from December 1, 2012 - November 30, 2013.