2012 Annual Report on Charitable Solicitations in Colorado

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17. Expenses and Revenue

These graphs compare the ratio of fundraising expenses to contributions revenue for all registered charities and for registered charities listing a Colorado principal address.  The results show that on average charities raise contributions in an effective manner, with Colorado charities spending slightly more on average than all charities combined.  This could reflect some economies of scale that charities realize when raising funds on a regional or national basis.

Ratio of fundraising expenses to contributions revenue

All registered charities 2004 - 2011

Text version of this chart
Chart showing ratio of fundraising expenses to contributions revenue (all charities) from 2004 - 2011; see text version for detail
Click on the image to see a full-size version

Charities with a Colorado principal address 2004 - 2011

Text version of this chart
Chart showing ratio of fundraising expenses to contributions revenue (CO charities) from 2004 - 2011; see text version for detail
Click on the image to see a full-size version