Colorado Charitable Solicitations Act (CCSA) Complaint Process

Actions that do not constitute a violation or charitable fraud:

  • Alleged violations of bylaws including issues involving:
    • Membership
    • Leadership
    • Operations
  • Personnel issues
  • Operational issues outside of the bylaws
  • Insurance issues
  • Alleged violations based solely on speculation, assumptions or opinions that lack supporting evidence

Instances of violation or charitable fraud include:

  • Soliciting Before Registering: Soliciting contributions without first registering with the Colorado Secretary of State’s office.
  • Unauthorized Use of Names or Symbols: Using the name or symbol of another person or organization without written authorization to solicit contributions.
  • Misleading Similarities: Using a name, symbol, or statement similar to that of another organization to mislead donors.
  • False Identities: Assuming a false or fictitious identity to solicit contributions.
  • Failure to Maintain Records: Not creating or maintaining required records or failing to provide them upon request.
  • Material Misrepresentation: Making false statements in required notices, reports, or records.
  • Fraudulent Schemes: Devising schemes to defraud donors through false pretenses or promises.
  • False Tax Deduction Claims: Claiming contributions are tax-deductible when they are not.
  • Misuse of Contributions: Using contributions for purposes other than those stated.
  • Misleading Donation Allocation: Misrepresenting the portion of donations that go to the charitable organization.
  • Geographic Misrepresentation: Misleading donors about the solicitor's actual location.
  • False Affiliations: Claiming false sponsorships, approvals, or affiliations.
  • Obligatory Contributions: Misleading donors into thinking they are obligated to contribute.
  • Credit Rating Threats: Threatening that not contributing will affect the donor's credit rating.
  • False Prior Contributions: Claiming the donor has previously agreed to or made contributions when they have not.

Filing a complaint

If you believe a violation has occurred, review and complete the charities program complaint form (PDF)

Submit the completed complaint form to

Colorado Secretary of State’s authority: Whenever the Secretary of State believes that a violation of the Colorado Charitable Solicitations Act has occurred, the Secretary of State  may evaluate and investigate any such violation. See section 6-16-115.5, C.R.S. This process can take several weeks to months depending on the alleged violation.

Other resources for concerns or complaints:

Statutory authority:  The Colorado Charitable Solicitations Act, sections 6-16-101 to 6-16-114, C.R.S. (Article 6, Title 6, C.R.S.)