
Do I have to include a term or abbreviation in my business name? What is a "designator"?

A "designator" is a term or abbreviation that is included in your entity or business name. Most business entities are required to include a designator in their name.

The designator can be capitalized any way that you want.

For more information about the designator requirements for different types of entities, see 7-90-601, C.R.S.

List of designators

Can, but doesn't have to, include one of the following:

  • cooperative
  • association
  • incorporated
  • company
  • limited
  • coop
  • ass'n
  • assn
  • assoc.
  • inc.
  • co.
  • ltd.


  • corporation
  • incorporated
  • company
  • limited
  • corp.
  • inc.
  • co.
  • ltd.

Limited cooperative association

  • limited cooperative association
  • limited cooperative
  • L.C.A.
  • LCA
  • Limited can be abbreviated as "Ltd."
  • Cooperative can be abbreviated as "Co-op" or "Coop"
  • Association can be abbreviated as "Assoc." or "Assn."

Limited liability company

  • limited liability company
  • ltd. liability company
  • limited liability co.
  • ltd. liability co.
  • limited
  • l.l.c.
  • llc
  • ltd.

Limited liability partnership

  • limited liability partnership
  • registered limited liability partnership
  • limited
  • llp
  • l.l.p.
  • rllp
  • r.l.l.p.
  • ltd.

Limited liability limited partnership

  • limited partnership
  • limited
  • company
  • limited liability limited partnership
  • registered limited liability limited partnership
  • l.p.
  • lp
  • co.
  • l.l.l.p.
  • lllp
  • LTD.
  • r.l.l.l.p.
  • rlllp

Limited partnership

  • limited partnership
  • limited
  • company
  • l.p.
  • lp
  • ltd.
  • co.

Nonprofit corporation
Can, but doesn't have to, include one of the following:

  • corporation
  • incorporated
  • company
  • limited
  • corp.
  • inc.
  • co.
  • ltd.

Professional companies
Below is a list of designators for professional service companies, so make sure you select the correct designator for your entity.

  • P.l.l.c.
  • pllc
  • Professional company
  • Professional corporation
  • p.c.
  • pc
  • P.l.l.p.
  • Pllp

If you have questions, talk to an attorney, or look up the applicable statute in Title 12, C.R.S. 

Public benefit corporations
In addition to any other designators, may include one of the following terms or abbreviations:

  • public benefit corporation
  • Pub. Ben. Corp.
  • P.B.C.
  • PBC