Statement of Trademark Registration of a Non-Reporting Entity


General partnership selection

Select the correct button to indicate whether the non-reporting entity is a general partnership. The button is defaulted to “Yes.” If the non-reporting entity is not a general partnership, select “No.”

True name

If the “No” button is selected, provide the true name of the entity in the entity name field. If the “Yes” button is selected, provide the true name of one general partner. The general partner may be either an individual or an entity.

Form of entity

Select the form of the non-reporting entity from the drop-down list provided. If “Other” is selected, provide the form of the entity in the space provided.  If “Yes” is selected above to indicate that the non-reporting entity is a general partnership, “General Partnership” must be selected as the form of entity. 


Select the jurisdiction where the non-reporting entity was formed from the drop-down list provided. The drop-down list includes all U.S. states, U.S. territories, and Canadian provinces. If the jurisdiction does not appear in the drop-down list, select “Other” and type the jurisdiction in the space provided. 

Principal office street address

A principal office street address is required. The street address must be a physical address and cannot be a post office box.

Provide the street name and number, including the suite, unit or apartment number, if applicable. The city, state and ZIP/postal code must also be provided. Any address outside of the United States must include the country and, if applicable, the province.

Example: 123 N. Main Street, Apt 101
               Denver, Colorado 80202

Principal office mailing address

A mailing address is optional. If the mailing address is different than the street address, or mail cannot be delivered to the street address, provide the address, including the city, state and ZIP/postal code where mail is to be delivered. Any address outside of the United States must include the country and, if applicable, the province.

Example: P.O. Box 854
               Lakewood, Colorado 80228

Service of process selection

Select a checkbox to indicate how the non-reporting entity will receive service of process. Select either the service of process mailing address button OR the registered agent button.

Service of process mailing address

If the non-reporting entity does not maintain a registered agent in Colorado, provide a mailing address for service of process, including the city, state and ZIP code. Any address outside of the United States must include the country and, if applicable, the province.

Registered agent name

If the trademark registrant chooses to have a registered agent in Colorado, provide the name of the registered agent.

The registered agent is the individual or business responsible for accepting service of process for an entity and isn’t necessarily an owner or director. The registered agent is responsible for forwarding service of process to the entity. Refer to registered agent and principal office address FAQs[1]  

Registered agent street address

A registered agent street address is required. Provide the street name and number, including the suite, unit or apartment number, if applicable. The state field will be pre-filled with “CO” since the registered agent must be located in Colorado. A city and ZIP code must also be provided.

The street address must be a physical address and cannot be a post office box.

Registered agent mailing address

A mailing address is optional. If the registered agent’s mailing address is different from the registered agent’s street address, or mail cannot be delivered to the street address, provide an address in Colorado where mail may be delivered. The state field will be pre-filled with “CO”. A city and ZIP code must also be provided.

Statement regarding registered agent consent 

The registered agent must consent to being appointed as the registered agent for the entity. Check the box to affirm the statement. The statement regarding registered agent consent is required. [2]

Type of trademark

Select whether the trademark is a standard character or special form trademark by checking the appropriate box.

Standard character trademark

If the trademark consists of words only, provide the word or phrase, using English letters, numbers, and punctuation marks that make up the trademark. This is limited to 250 characters.

Special form trademark

If the trademark contains words with special characters, font, formatting and/or a picture, it is a special form trademark. A detailed description of the special form trademark must be included in the space provided. This is limited to 250 characters. Selecting the special form trademark box also requires attachment of a drawing or picture of the trademark. You will be prompted to include this attachment after selecting “Submit”.

Description of goods or services

Provide a detailed description of the type(s) of goods or services with which the trademark is used. 

Class of goods or services

Select the class code corresponding to the goods or services described above. A list of class codes can be found on our trademark FAQ page.

Description of attached specimen

A description of the attached specimen must be provided. Examples of specimens include a picture of the company’s logo on one of the company’s delivery trucks or a copy of the company’s letterhead that displays the trademark.

Date of first use

Provide the date the trademark was first used in Colorado by the registrant or by the registrant’s predecessor in interest. The date must be provided in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy.

Statement regarding trademark

The statement regarding the registrant’s use of the trademark is required. [3]

Additional information

Select “Yes” if additional information is permitted or required by law to be included in the document. After clicking on “Submit” at the bottom of the online form, the system will proceed to the Manage Attachments page. This will allow additional information to be attached as a plain text (.txt) or PDF (.pdf) document. Information regarding attachments

Email notification

Our office can send you email notifications about due dates and other events affecting this business record.


This section describes the legal authority for filing this document. [4]

Individual causing delivery [5]

Each individual causing the document to be filed is responsible for complying with the applicable statutes. Provide the last name and first name of at least one individual causing the document to be delivered for filing. Enter the individual’s mailing address, including the city, state and ZIP/postal code. If the address is outside of the United States, include the country and, if applicable, the province.


Smith, John
123 N. Main St., Apt 101
Denver, Colorado 80122

Additional individuals causing delivery

If more than one person is causing this document to be filed, mark “Yes” to include an attachment with the names and addresses of additional individuals causing the document to be filed. The attachment must provide the name of each additional individual, including their last name and first name. A middle name or initial and a suffix are optional. Also provide the mailing address, including the city, state and ZIP/postal code. Any address outside of the United States must include the country and, if applicable, the province.


Instructions, and the related form, are not intended to provide legal, business, or tax advice, and are offered as a public service without representation or warranty. While the related form is believed to satisfy minimum legal requirements as of its revision date, compliance with applicable law, as the same may be amended from time to time, remains the responsibility of the user of this form. Questions should be addressed to the user’s attorney.


Selecting the Submit button will navigate to the “Manage Attachments” page. If you select Submit and the next page does not display, first check for error messages at the top of the form. Your document won’t be filed until after payment.

Note:  A Statement of Trademark Registration of a special form trademark must include two attachments, the drawing or picture of the trademark and a specimen of how the trademark is used. These can be attached as two separate files or can be combined into one file. The Manage Attachments page will display after selecting “Submit” and allows a PDF, TXT, or JPEG document to be included as part of the filed document.


Review the form carefully; mistakes may have legal consequences. Our office cannot provide legal advice. Questions should be addressed to your legal, business, or tax advisor(s). Only provide information that is required or permitted to be included in the document. Information included in the document must be in English, and must state the name and address of at least one individual causing the document to be delivered for filing.

Statement of Trademark Registration of a Non-Reporting Entity filed pursuant to § 7-70-102 and Part 3 of Article 90 of Title 7 of the Colorado Revised Statutes (C.R.S.).

[1] | 7-90-102 (55), (56) and (56.5), C.R.S. and 7-90-701, C.R.S.
[2] | 7-90-701 (3), C.R.S.
[3] | 7-70-102 (2), C.R.S.
[4] | 7-90-301.5, C.R.S.
[5] | 7-90-301.5, C.R.S.