Statement of Correction Correcting a Mistakenly Filed Foreign Entity that was meant to be a Domestic Entity


Important information

Use these instructions when completing a Statement of Correction Correcting a Mistakenly Filed Foreign Entity that was meant to be a Domestic Entity pursuant to § 7-90-305 of the Colorado Revised Statutes (C.R.S.). Provide only information required or permitted to be included in the document by Colorado law. The required form must be used when filing the document. For legal authority, refer to § 7-90-301 and § 7-90-302, C.R.S.

The form must be typewritten. Handwritten forms will not be accepted. The completed form must be in English and all fields must be completed unless otherwise specified. The information you provide must match exactly with what we have on file in our office if your record already exists.

Any attachment becomes part of the document. If there is a conflict between information in the attachment and the form, the information in the form takes precedence. The information you provide will be entered exactly as displayed on the form; including lowercase and uppercase letters. 

Visit our Web site at and click “Businesses, trademarks, trade names” for a copy of a document after filing, Certificates of Good Standing, other electronic services, and other information. For answers to general filing questions consult the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), also on our website.

ID number

Enter the 11-digit ID number that was assigned to the originating record for the entity in the ID number line. To locate the ID number, visit our website at Click on “Business” and then on “Search Business Database” and search for the entity using the entity name. The ID number is listed on the business record’s Summary page. It is not a state or federal tax ID number.

Entity name

State the name of the entity exactly as shown in the records of the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office. This form cannot be accepted if the name on the form does not exactly match the name on the record.

True name

Leave this field blank.

Document number

State the 11 digit number of the document that is being corrected. This document number is specific to the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office. To locate the document number, visit our website at Click on “Business” and then on “Search Business Database” and search for the entity using the entity name. From the business record’s Summary page, select “Filing history and documents”. Locate the transaction you would like to correct and use the corresponding document number in the line. It is not a state or federal tax ID number.

Constituent filed document

A constituent filed document is the document used to form your entity. These could include:

The Articles of Incorporation, Articles of Organization, Certificate of Limited Partnership, Articles of Association, Statement of Registration or other document required by law for your situation.

Additional information

Mark the box if additional information is permitted or required by law to be included in the document. This will allow additional information to be attached. Each entity’s legal requirement may vary. Seek legal counsel if you are unsure. This attachment will be a part of the record and becomes available to the public. Attachments included in this filing will not be returned to the filer – retain the original copy for your records.


This section describes the legal authority for filing this document. Refer to § 7-90-301.5, C.R.S. for more information.

Individual causing delivery

Pursuant to § 7-90-301.5, C.R.S., each individual causing the document to be filed is responsible for complying with the applicable statutes. Provide the last name, first name and address of at least one individual causing the document to be delivered for filing. A middle name or initial and a suffix are optional. The mailing address, including the city, state and ZIP/postal code, must be provided. Any address outside of the United States must include the country and, if applicable, the province.

Example: Smith, John
               123 N. Main St., Apt 101
               Denver, Colorado 80122

Additional individuals causing delivery

If you select this box, you must include an attachment with the names and addresses of additional individuals causing the document to be filed. The attachment must provide the name of each additional individual, including their last name and first name. A middle name or initial and a suffix are optional. Also provide the mailing address, including the city, state and ZIP/postal code. Any address outside of the United States must include the country and, if applicable, the province.


These instructions, and the related form, are not intended to provide legal, business, or tax advice, and are offered as a public service without representation or warranty. While the related form is believed to satisfy minimum legal requirements as of its revision date, compliance with applicable law, as the same may be amended from time to time, remains the responsibility of the filer. Questions should be addressed to legal counsel.

Instructions for completing the constituent filed document

The constituent filed document is different depending on the entity type. For instructions on filing the constituent document, select the entity type from the list below.