Complaints About Fraudulent Business Filings

Completing the form

 Video: How to fill out the complaint form

The affected entity must be properly identified, and all required information must be included on the complaint form to begin an investigation. We suggest copying and pasting the information directly from our website onto the complaint form.

Open the form and start completing it as you follow these instructions - Fraudulent business filing complaint form (PDF)

Step 1: Find the entity in our business database

Search business database - this link will open in a new window or tab so that you don't lose these instructions.

Search for the entity either by name or ID number.

From the Search Results page, identify the correct entity and click on the ID number to navigate to the entity's Summary page.

Step 2: Collect info on the entity's Summary page

The form requires the entire entity name and the ID number.

Note: The entity name may include additional words you didn't know were going to be there as shown in the example below. For the complete entity name, you must include all of the text from the “Name” line.

Step 3: Identify the fraudulent documents

Find the fraudulently filed document(s) by clicking on “Filing history and documents” on the Summary page.

The form requires ALL document ID numbers that were filed fraudulently.

Tips for entities using your name and/or address:

Make sure to view all documents to find any that are using your name and/or address without your consent. These will need to be listed on the complaint form.

The entity ID number and the record opening document have the same ID number. If this document includes your information without your consent, be sure to list it under the documents section on the complaint form.

Disclaimer: We cannot advise whether you should file a document for this entity. If you filed a document on the entity, you may want to include that document ID on the form to have your name and address redacted.

Tips for unauthorized filings on your business:

Only list the documents you did not authorize to be filed on your business.

Submit your completed form

Email this completed form to our office at If you created a separate document to complete any of your responses make sure to attach it in your email.

Incomplete forms will not be accepted for investigation.

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