Complaints About Fraudulent Business Filings

Violations in which a complaint should be filed

 Video: Overview of the fraud complaint process

The filing of a complaint is not intended for settling internal disputes between former or current business partners, spouses, family members, friends/acquaintances, co-workers, competitors, tenants, landlords, etc. Please seek legal counsel for any legal advice you may require.

A complaint should only be submitted to our office if one of the following violations from section 7-90-314(1), C.R.S., has occurred:

  • A new business was created using my information.
    • An address was included in a filing without the written consent of the owner or occupier of the address.
    • My name, without my written consent, was included in a filing as:
      • The registered agent;
      • The individual causing the document to be delivered to the Secretary of State’s office for filing;
      • The person incorporating, forming, or organizing a business; or
      • Any other person required under Title 7, C.R.S., to be identified in a document filed in the Secretary of State’s office.
  • My existing business record was changed without my written consent or authority to do so.

Does your complaint meet this criteria?

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