Business FAQs

Reinstating a business

Q1. How can I restart my dissolved entity?

A1. A dissolved entity can restart by filing Articles of Reinstatement.

If there were any trade names held by the entity prior to dissolution, those will not be reinstated. A new Statement of Trade Name will need to be filed for each trade name that is being used by the entity.

Q2. What is the difference between reinstate and restate?

A2. Reinstate is only available if your entity has been dissolved. Filing Articles of Reinstatement re-activates the dissolved entity.

Restating Articles is re-writing the original articles. This document is available to most entities. Restating your articles doesn’t affect the status at all.

If your entity is in delinquent status, you should file a Statement Curing Delinquency to reactivate the entity.

Q3. Why does my entity name have “Reinstated” added to the end of the name?

A3. When reinstating a dissolved entity whose original name is not available, the entity name will include the words “Reinstated” with the date of reinstatement per C.R.S. 7-90-1004. For example, “Entity name, LLC, Reinstated March 1, 2020”.

Your business is unique. We do not know every situation your business is facing and cannot answer legal-based questions. We suggest talking to an attorney or business advisor if you have questions.

You can file a document to change the entity name to something that is available after the entity has been reinstated. Refer to the frequently asked questions for Names.

Q4. Where can I find the Colorado statute under which the entity I am reinstating existed immediately prior to dissolution?

A4. When you’re filing a Reinstatement, you’ll need to include the statute under which the entity existed immediately prior to dissolution.

The document forming the entity may indicate the statute under which the entity was formed. This document can be found in the entity’s Filing History and Documents.

The statute number may appear as a hyphenated string of numbers such as 7-90-555 or section 7-80-111, C.R.S., or as the name of an act. You may be able to refer to the current Colorado Revised Statutes.

Since each entity type is filed pursuant to different statutes and statutes are amended and changed, our office cannot advise you as to which statute your original document was filed under.

You may need to consult legal, business, or tax advisors for further information.

Q5. Am I able to reinstate a record that I can’t find on the website?

A5. Refer to the Missing, illegible, or incorrectly indexed records FAQ

Q6. I’m trying to submit my reinstatement and the page now says "Manage Attachments". What do I need to do?

A6. If you do not have an attachment to provide, go to the bottom of the page and select “Previous Page”. This will take you back to the form. Make sure that you haven’t selected that you want to include attachments.

Go to the top of the page and make sure that the title is “Articles of Reinstatement” and NOT “Restated Constituent Filed Document”. If you selected the wrong document, choose “Previous Page” at the bottom of the form, and then select the Articles of Reinstatement from the Documents Available for Filing page.

If you have more questions about attachments, refer to the Attachments FAQ.