Filing documents
Q1. What is a form?
A1. A form is a legal document that you fill out on our website to make changes to your entity or create a new entity and when you submit it, it’s filed at our office. Remember all filings are available to be viewed by the public.
Q2. Can I do my filing at any time?
A2. You can complete your filing online at all times except during windows of scheduled maintenance.
Maintenance is usually scheduled between 11:50 PM and 2:00 AM, Mountain Standard Time. If you’re in the process of filing, you will need to complete payment before maintenance begins. If your transaction is interrupted by maintenance, you will need to restart your filing at a later time.
We also have scheduled service interruptions at the end of each year.
Q3. Where can I find forms?
A3. Most documents are required to be filed online. Existing entities can search for their record and then select “File a form” on the Summary page. This will provide a list of documents available.
To create or amend a business record, click on " File a business document" from the business home page.
Sample forms can be found on the Business Forms List.
Forms regarding tax matters will be found on the appropriate state or federal website or by contacting such agencies. The Secretary of State’s office does not have any information on taxation.
Q4. Which form should I file?
A4. Your business is unique. We do not know every situation your business is facing and cannot answer legal-based questions.
The Secretary of State’s office cannot advise you on which forms are necessary for different types of transactions. Our office doesn’t know enough about your business to give legal advice about which form you should file. Questions regarding which form is appropriate should be addressed to your legal, business, or tax advisor(s).
Q5. What if I have questions on how to complete the form?
A5. Instructions for each form are available by selecting “Help on this Page” while filing the document online. You can find “Help on this Page” in the left-hand margin of the filing.
If you need further assistance completing the form, read the appropriate statute or seek advice from your legal, business, or tax advisor(s).
The Secretary of State’s office cannot give business or legal advice regarding the proper information to be entered on a form.
Q6. Where can I find instructions for completing a form?
A6. Instructions for each form are available by selecting “Help on this Page” while filing the document online. You can find “Help on this Page” in the left-hand margin of the filing.
You can also find instructions on the Business Forms List.
Q7. How long will it take to process documents I have submitted for filing? Can I expedite the process?
A7. Online filings (most documents must be filed online):
Documents submitted online are filed in real-time, which means that the document is immediately processed after you receive your payment confirmation.
Specific documents that can’t be filed online (paper-only):
These will typically be processed by our office within 7-10 business days from the date received.
Please note that USPS mail is picked up by a state distribution center prior to being delivered to our office so it may be delayed a couple more days than expected. Documents are not processed on weekends or holidays.
You may expedite the process with payment of an additional fee. Expedited documents are processed within 3 business days of being received by our office. Expedite requests received after 4pm may not be reviewed until the following business day.
Q8. Can I have my documents reviewed (“pre-cleared”) prior to submitting them for filing?
A8. No. The Secretary of State does not accept documents for pre-clearance.
Online filings (most documents must be filed online):
Our online filing system will check that all the required fields are completed. Make sure you review before submitting payment. The individual filing the document is responsible for its accuracy.
Specific documents that can’t be filed online (paper-only):
The Secretary of State can only check that the required fields have been completed and verified against what’s on file for that entity.
Our office cannot state whether the information provided in those fields is accurate. The individual filing the document is responsible for its accuracy.
Q9. Do I receive any paper work back after the filing has been accepted?
A9. Our office does not send back confirmation copies of business filings. Images of filed documents are available for viewing and printing from the entity’s Summary page under “Filing history and documents”.
Q10. Is there an age restriction for filing documents?
A10. Yes, per statute, the minimum age requirement is 18 years old.