Colorado Bingo-Raffle Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting details

Date: April 11, 2018

Location: Secretary of State’s Office, Aspen Room, 1700 Broadway, Denver, CO

Board members in attendance: Paul Vigil, William Erfman, Julie Hutchison, Frank Serino, Mark Shepherd, Ed Smith (via phone)

Secretary of State officials present:  Mike Hardin, Shannon Bee, Carla Hoke, Larry Runn, and DJ Davis

Board chairman, Donivon Glassburn, was not present. The board meeting was conducted by Paul Vigil. The meeting was called to order at 10:07 am.

A quorum was present, and minutes from November 2017 and February 2018 were approved.

SOS Reports

SOS financial report discussed

  • The 1st quarter report deadline was 3-31-2018.
  • There are still some outstanding quarterly reports for the 4th/2017.
  • We will post the updated report when available.


  • Bingo-Raffle, Landlord, Manufacturer and Supplier online applications have been developed
  • The manufacturer and supplier agent online license applications are near completion and are anticipated to be available in the next few months

Passed legislation and rules hearing update

Carla Hoke shared that pending legislation regarding Sweepstakes (House Bill #18-1234) is moving quickly through the House.

Carla also mentioned the Electronic Gaming for Nonprofit Entities Licensed Under Bingo-Raffle Law bill PI’d on April 3, 2018.  

Board business

New board members, Mark Shepherd and Frank Serino were announced.


Elections for Board positions were held. 

Paul Vigil was elected Board Chairman.

Ed Smith was elected Vice Chairman.

Board members William Erfman or Julie Hutchison will take the minutes for the board at future meetings.

2017 Bingo Survey discussion

There was discussion about the 2017 survey which was commissioned by the SOS to determine if there were any changes in the industry since the 2013 study

  • There was no major changes noted in the survey.
  • The SOS best practices booklet was recommended as an aid to licensees holding bingo. The booklet gives ideas for licensees to increase interest in bingo. The best practices booklet was passed out to those who requested it and is available to anyone else interested in a copy.

There was discussion among the board about the importance of the success of non-profits.  Some ideas mentioned included:

  • training sessions at the halls for groups to share ideas and energy
  • introduction of non-profits to bingo sessions by established groups to encourage and show new potential licensees about running the games and the profit available
  • The Colorado Information Marketplace, a state website, was introduced and demonstrated. The site is a public access data base which can provide names of  nonprofit organizations in Colorado who might be encouraged to participate in bingo


Rick Johnson has resigned from the board and is no longer listed on the board roster.  There are still positions available for appointment to the board.

Future meetings

The next board meeting is scheduled for June 13, 2018.  Shannon will check for SOS room availability for this meeting. 

The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 am.