Colorado Bingo-Raffle Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting details

Date: November 15, 2017

Location: Secretary of State’s Office, Aspen Room, 1700 Broadway, Denver, CO

In attendance: Donivon Glassburn, Paul Vigil, Ed Smith, William Erfman, Toney Carey, Rich Lemon, Corky Kyle

Secretary of State officials present:  Mike Hardin, Shannon Bee, Carla Hoke, Larry Runn

SOS reports

SOS financial report discussed

  • Not all 3rd quarter reports have been reviewed so there will be changes to the numbers in the current report
  • Approximately 100 fine notices will go out on 11-16-2017 for late filing of quarterly reports
  • The timing of raffle prize awards impacted profitability performance in 1st vs 2nd quarter net profit numbers
  • Discussion on the increase in progressive pull tabs and the effect on pull tabs took place
  • Pull tabs at bar/clubrooms show greater profit than pull tabs at bingo probably due to higher overhead expenses incurred in halls vs bar/clubrooms


  • Landlord applications are available online and are required for all new and renewal applications. All landlords have been emailed regarding the availability of this and how to create an account
  • Manufacturer applications have been developed and are being tested
  • Supplier applications are also in process and should be available for the March 2018 renewal
  • Approximately 60% of nonprofits file quarterly reports online
  • Licensees receive a discount for filing their quarterlies online, but the fees must be paid by credit card or prepaid account
  • Fees can be paid using a Secretary of State prepaid account or with a credit/debit cards. Transfers/ACH’s cannot be used to pay fees
  • The Secretary of State would like to see more online bingo/raffle filings as most other filings with our office are currently online

Passed legislation and rules hearing update

Rules were adopted 8-7-2017, and effective 9/30/2017. There were only two calls received regarding the changes in the rules to allow 54 faces on electronic aids. No questions have been received regarding the allowance to presell admittance to bingo facilities.

Board business

Changing the board meeting location was discussed. With the Secretary of State’s office being downtown it makes it difficult for some board members and members of the public to attend.

Meeting at the Secretary of State’s office provides the availability of broadcasting the meeting. This issue will be discussed further at a future date.

Board positions –

  • Vera Craven has resigned her position on the Board
  • Perry Jultak did not renew his position on the Board

There are still openings to be filled for Religious, Veteran, Labor and Volunteer Fire.  The nominations for Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary will be postponed until January to allow for more potential applications and all members to be present.  The board was reminded that with the upcoming holidays and with the legislature coming into session, it would be best to get any additional appointments to them early.

Open forum discussion

  • Mr. Lemon of Rocky Mountain Bingo addressed potential contradictions between Rules and Statues with regard to progressive pull tab games. Mr. Lemon was asked to electronically submit his issues in writing to our legal department for review.
  • Mr. Carey of the Carbon Valley Academy discussed some issues with progressive pull tabs and the number and ability to play various games.
  • Mr. Kyle asked when the last time the rules and laws of bingo were updated in total, not piecemeal? He would like to see changes to make the program less regulated and more profitable. The board was reminded that in the last 6 years, rules were opened 4 times and included a substantial revision in 2013. If there are changes or clarifications needed, it was stated these can be submitted to the Secretary of State electronically for review.

2018 legislation and anticipated Secretary of State actions

  • The Secretary of State is still looking at ways to see if the change to the number of faces allowed on the electronic aids has made an impact. This will probably involve contacting halls where the devices are used and determining which groups use the aids and which groups have changed to the higher number of 54 faces. The Secretary of State has not seen much evidence of the effect of presales but the results of that can be hard to measure
  • Peri Mutuel activity before or after bingo occasions and how they can fit into the current rules was discussed. In order to review any new Peri Mutuel technology, the Secretary of State will need to know how the anticipated equipment will work, and they will need to review manuals to determine the feasibility of each game. This will be an agenda item for the next meeting
  • Mr. Kyle asked if the Secretary of State was working with the AG’s office with regard to sweepstakes/internet café? These activities are having an effect on the bingo halls in Grand Junction. These games are being promoted as games of skill not chance
  • It was stated that this is a Class 3 misdemeanor in Colorado
  • It was also stated, that it is not within the jurisdiction of the Secretary of State, and when the bingo/raffle investigators are aware of a situation they refer it to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation


The next board meeting is scheduled for 1-17-2018 at the Secretary of State’s office. Mr. Glassburn will continue to look at other locations.

Meeting adjourned at 11:02 am.