Colorado Bingo-Raffle Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting details

Date:  September 30, 2015

Location: Secretary of State’s Office, Blue Spruce Conference Room, 1700 Broadway, Denver, CO

Board members present:  Donivon Glassburn, Perry Jultak, Tom Bednark, John Amen, Vera Craven

Secretary of State officials present:  Mike Hardin, Shannon Bee

The meeting was called to order at 10:05 AM.

The pledge of allegiance was conducted. 

Approval of January and April minutes

Reports for the Secretary of State

  1. Financial Report
    1. Number of licenses – down 15-20 from last year
    2. Progressive pull tabs less YTD
    3. Raffles ahead
  2. E-Filing Update
    1. September 21st started – call if problems
    2. Most problems are with e-mail
    3. 2nd qtr  55% paper & 45% efile
    4. Working on being able to file licenses on line next year
  3. Quarterly Report Reminder
    1. Nov 1st can file for license renewal

Board business

  1. BRAB positions – Donivon Glassburn thinks he has positions filled by next meeting or January 2016
  2. Bingo Raffle Statues ‘Sunset’ in 2016
    1. Happens in November
    2. Statues come up in 2017
    3. Looking to see if state dept really needs to run bingo
    4. Carla – language of conduct of games – who can own equipment
  3. Miscellaneous
    1. Meetings in other locations or doing meetings on line
    2. Shannon will look into doing meetings on line
  4. Open forum
    1. Tom Bednark noted that we need ideas of how to improve bingo games
    2. Vera Craven asked about “Hot Bal” game doing as an example B5 – all B5’s wild
    3. Larry Runn stated that he does not think “Hot Ball” would be a legal game
    4. Shannon Bee said she will look into
    5. Tom Bednark noted that you can do up to 3 progressive games at one time
    6. Donivan Glassburn – for next board meeting everyone come up with new game ideas and to send ideas to him for next meeting


Next Meeting Date:  January 13, 2016 at 10:00 AM.