Colorado Bingo-Raffle Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting details

Date:  January 14, 2015

Location: Secretary of State’s Office, Blue Spruce Conference Room, 1700 Broadway, Denver, CO

Board members present:  Donivon Glassburn, Vera Craven, Perry Jultak, Rick Johnson, Tom Bednark, John Amen

Secretary of State officials present:  Mike Hardin, Greg Lestikow, Shannon Bee

The meeting was called to order at 10:03 AM.

The pledge of allegiance was conducted. 

As there was a quorum, the minutes for the July meetings were approved on a motion from Tom Bednark, seconded by Rick Johnson.

Reports for the Secretary of State

Mike Hardin read a letter from Scott Glessler in appreciation of the hard work and dedication of the BRAB and handed it out

  1. Financial Report
    1. 1st 3 quarters of 2014
    2. Noted that raffles doing well
    3. Progressive raffles down (could be a reporting issue)
    4. Progressive bingo – margins over 30%
    5. Donivon praised sec of state for their help in this area
  2. E-Filing Update
    1. Shannon Bee noted that testing is going on and hope to have by next quarter
    2. Looking at incentives by filing on line
    3. Ways to pay via debit card
  3. Quarterly Reports and Licensing Reminder
    1. Things are ok
  4. Legislative Session
    1. Not covered
  5. Miscellaneous
    1. Audit during progressive – it has be written into policy to give the auditors flex ability to do audit after the progressive or reschedule

Board business

  1. BRAB positions – Meredith Edwards will not renew
    1. Vets position is still vacant
  2. Sweepstakes
    1. New house bill 15-1047 wording makes hand held electronic bingo devices illegal
    2. Greg Lestikow noted that we must do our due diligence and look into the legal and understanding of the bill as he also has concerns
    3. John Amen made a motion to oppose this bill and Vera Craven seconded the motion
    4. Advisory board to oppose the bill - the entire board agreed
    5. Corky Kyle from the CCBA opposes the bill as written and feels it should state "except bingo"
    6. John Amen stated that he feels the bill could hurt future electronic bingo device development
    7. Donivan would like to see a changing of the language of the bill or an amendment
  3. Successful bingo sessions
    1. Success stories  on the sec of state web page

      ** Our new Colorado Secretary of State Wayne Williams came into our meeting and introduced himself.  Gave us some of his background and thanked us for our hard work

  4. Miscellaneous
    1. none
  5. Open forum
    1. Corky Kyle from the CCBA noted that there is an reception to meet with the secretary of state Feb 5th from 5pm to 8pm and everyone is invited.  No cost and encouraged us to make bingo customers aware of house bill 15-1047 and how it could affect bingo


Next Meeting Date:  March 11th at 10:00 AM.

The BRAB also may have an additional meeting in February if necessary based on the need of further discussion of house bill 15-1047.