Colorado Bingo-Raffle Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting details

Date:  July 16, 2014

Location: Secretary of State’s Office, Blue Spruce Conference Room, 1700 Broadway, Denver, CO

Board members present:  Donivon Glassburn, Meredith Edwards, Vera Craven, Perry Jultak, Rick Johnson, Tom Bednark

Secretary of State officials present:  Mike Hardin, Greg Lestikow, Shannon Bee, Lisa Marty

The meeting was called to order at 10:06 am.

The pledge of allegiance was conducted. 

As there was a quorum, the minutes for the February, meetings were approved on a motion from Rick Johnson, seconded by Vera Craven.

Old business

Follow up on the question of helping players catch up if they leave to use the restroom etc.  3.3.1 states that volunteers are not able to help a player catch up or play their cards. 

Reports for the Secretary of State

  1. Net profit up 26%.  2014 better than 2013
    1. Progressive raffles – mostly in clubs
    2. Reports available on line
    3. Can get historical data
    4. Updated on a quarterly bases
    5. Regular bingo down (-9.9%)
  2. Toolkit
    1. End of long process
    2. Best practices that worked for other bingo groups
    3. Available on web site as a PDF or by request.
    4. September will have a mailing
  3. Rules and Legislation Update
    1. Food for volunteers goes into affect August 6th.  Starting August 14th - $10.00 per shift
    2. Games manager training will be updated and posted on web site
  4. E-Filing Update
    1. On line system
    2. 1st part will be quarterly reports – ability to pay on line and do reports on line
  5. Quarterly Reports and Licensing Reminder
    1. Quarterly report due the end of July
    2. November 1st  can start renewing licensing

Board business

  1. BRAB positions – John Amen said he will send in application
    1. Beau Williams will not renew
  2. Sweepstakes competition
    1. Donivan has put into his Greeley bingo hall to compete with internet café next door
    2. Casinos at horse race tracks.  Sec of state will follow up to see what happens
    3. No ruling of the legality of  sweepstakes
  3. Miscellaneous
    1. Perry Jultak asked about audits done during a Must Go jackpot – Mike Hardin said he will take under advisement
  4. Open Forum
    1. none


Next Meeting Date:  October 15th  (Later changed to November 12)