Colorado Bingo-Raffle Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting detail

Date:  April 16, 2014

Location: Secretary of State’s Office, Blue Spruce Conference Room, 1700 Broadway, Denver, CO

Board members present:  Donivon Glassburn, Dan Gincig, Meredith Edwards, Vera Craven, Perry Jultak, Rick Johnson, Tom Bednark

Secretary of State officials present:  Mike Hardin, Greg Lestikow, Shannon Bee, Carla Hoke, Lisa Marty

The meeting was called to order at 10:05 am.

The pledge of allegiance was conducted. 

As there was a quorum, the minutes for the February meetings were approved on a motion from Dan Gincig, seconded by Perry Jultak.

Old business

Research items from February Meeting (SOS office)

Separate deposits for proceeds yes on the progressive/

Follow up on the question about playing for someone else during a emergency.  The concern is that the person playing for you could say that they are not playing for you and would be awarded the prize if they won.  6.4.1 Limits a player to one electronic device (36 faces).  It was brought up that the problem is normally when a player only has paper.  Carla said she would revisit the statue.  It was stated that volunteers cannot play a person’s cards.

Dan Gincig asked if an electronic machine goes down, if the volunteer can help them catch up while you bring the customer a new device.  Greg Lestikow said he would look into.

Reports for the Secretary of State

Licensee revenue data will update per quarter at year end.  Highlights of the report were covered for a 3 year trend.

Bingo marketing toolkit booklet was covered in drafting phase – wants feedback and comments sent to Greg or call him.

HB14-1265 now signed by governor April 14th.  Effective Aug 6th 90 days.

Progressive Raffles are in pre comment period – changes that are thinking about making.

- Met with several groups.  Focused on “members only”

- Must be present to win.

- 30% of net proceeds go to the licensee

- Will be other opportunities for people to comment.

Reminder that the quarterly report is due the end of April.  A reminder will be sent out.

Miscellaneous:  Rick Johnson asked about new video internet café and if it falls under bingo.  Greg stated that other agencies are looking into. 

Board business

Paying for volunteers

Nothing written yet

BRAB – no supply representative yet.

Need to look at updates of board members that have termed out.

Miscellaneous – none

Open Forum

Nancy from Bingodocs asked about the LE32 and reporting of progressive raffles and the dollars for the consolation prize. 

It was asked about sealed cards – that they are kept in a locked container.  Do they always need to be kept in the same order?

Kevin asked if you can run 2 progressive raffles.  The answer was no.

On progressive raffles is it ok to have 2 separate deposits due to cash / credit cards.  Larry stated as long as the state sees a total deposit.

Doug – IE: progressive raffle.  Had to suspend due to rule that you must be present to win. 

Greg Lestikow asked people to make comments during the rule making meeting.

Bob -  Lakewood American Legion stated that now the only time they sell tickets is between 5-6 on Fridays due to the rule that you must be present to win.  Has affected income.  People did not understand that they must be present to win.


Next Meeting set for July 16th

Due-outs that we recorded from the meeting from Greg Lestikow:

Answer question: can a volunteer perform “catch-up” in the case of a defective electronic bingo aid device?

Revisions to prog raffle daily forms

Send board member tenure info to Board Chair

Answer question: can the arrangement of cards change in a playing-card prog raffle?