Colorado Bingo-Raffle Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting details

Date:  February 5, 2014

Location: Secretary of State’s Office, Blue Spruce Conference Room, 1700 Broadway, Denver, CO

Board members present:  Donivon Glassburn, Dan Gincig, Meredith Edwards, Vera Craven, Beau Williams, Rick Johnson

Secretary of State officials present:  Mike Hardin, Greg Lestikow, Shannon Bee, Carla Hoke, Lisa Marty

The meeting was called to order at 10:05 am.

The pledge of allegiance was conducted. 

As there was a quorum, the minutes for the September, November and December meetings were approved on a motion from Dan Gincig, seconded by Beau Williams.

Secretary of State reports

Financial report

Greg Lestikow pointed out that the 2013 numbers were not complete as the 4th quarter reports were due January 31, 2014.

The financial report indicates that the number of 2013 licensees is up by 40 from 2012 and is closer to the number of licensees in 2011.

The Secretary of State’s office will publish a list of groups and their revenue numbers after the 2013 reports have been input.  At the request of those present the list will include the number of sessions and the number of players.  Licensees and halls can use this information to determine what successful groups are doing (double actions, consolation, electronics, etc.).

Progressive raffles

Progressive raffles became legal on January 1, 2014.  Board members and the audience explained their procedures and everyone present was provided with a progressive raffle fact sheet which is also available on the Secretary of State’s website. 

Rule 8.4.6(a) indicates that not more than 70% of the revenue can go to the jackpot and the remainder to the group.

Questions included:

  • Consolation prizes
  • How many raffles can actually take place at a bingo occasion
  • If the winner must be present to win

The Secretary of State’s office will research some of the progressive raffle issues addressed and set up a conversation with veteran’s groups to determine if current rules conflict with their methods of operating members-only progressive raffles.

Bingo toolkit

The Secretary of State’s office is working with the Narrator Group, a consulting group, to provide best practices and marketing ideas to help licensees to be more successful.  This is an extension of the Runge study sponsored by the Secretary of State’s office in 2013.  Once the project is complete it will be available free of charge to all stakeholders.  The anticipated completion time is mid-2014.

It appears from an overview that the best practices will be broad including guides for halls, licensees and volunteers.  The information will not be step-by-step but will be a guide to help those involved in bingo.

Reporting and licensing

As a reminder the 4th quarter reports were due in our office by January 31, 2014.  The fine notices will go out about February 18th.

Supplier and Manufacturer licenses expire March 31.

Bingo/Raffle applications continue to come in at a steady pace. 

Online games manager training

Between 9/1/2011 and 8/31/2012, 891 games managers were certified through classroom training or mail in exams.  During 9/1/2012 and 8/31/2013, 1,007 games managers were certified (369 took a the class or mailed  in the test, while 631 completed the online version).


A coupon fact sheet was provided to those in attendance.   This fact sheet was provided for everyone to review and provide feedback.  The final draft will be available in the next few weeks.

2014 Legislation

HB14-1265 was introduced on February 4.  The bill, sponsored by Representative Moreno, is identical to the legislation provided to the Board in December, with only minor grammar changes.   Everyone was encouraged to testify as the bill passes through both chambers. 

Miscellaneous items

Dan Gincig asked about a situation faced by a licensee in Arvada who was advised by Investigator Herrera that they had to sell paper and electronics together.  The Secretary of State’s office will look into the situation and talk to the Arvada group.

One board member asked if the Secretary of State would look into prohibiting marijuana as a prize in games of chance. The office will research this issue. 

Another board members asked if progressive winners who receive less than $500 can be paid in cash?  The answer is yes.

Board business

Doni Glassburn is still looking for a supplier representative for the board.     

Tipping volunteers was mentioned but as previously addressed is considered remuneration.  A player can tip the group who can then disburse the tips at their discretion including putting the money into the general fund.

Progressive bingo limits exceeding $15,000 were discussed.  The Secretary of State’s office was asked many years ago to put a limit on the amount to alleviate problems and encourage playing.  Many groups find the small progressive bingo payouts to be more successful.

When asked if it is ok to have someone else play bingo cards while a player is away for an emergency, the Secretary of State’s office stated the hall or volunteers cannot help someone who has an emergency, but another player can help.  


Next meeting will be 4/16/2014.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:26 AM.

Secretary of State action items:

  • Answer question: do licensees need to make separate deposits for progressive raffle proceeds?
  • Answer question: how should licensees account for consolation prizes in progressive raffles? This is an issue when there are various consolation prize options, especially.
  • Answer question: can licensees run both a regular raffle and a progressive raffle at a bingo occasion?
  • Answer question: can we make exception to “no electronics-only” requirement for low-vision players?
  • Answer question: can person other than purchaser play bingo cards in case of an emergency? Especially in the case of electronic device.
  • Consult with VFWs (and others, if appropriate) to revise language regarding members-only progressive raffles. The central question is whether the ticket purchaser should be required to be present in order to win.
  • Compile revenue data for publication on website, including per-player and per-occasion figures
  • Look into banning marijuana as prize.
  • Update Board list on website
  • Send HB14-1265 to Board.